Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

impregnación antibiótica

English translation:

administration of antibiotics/antibiotic impregnantion/antibiotic therapy

Added to glossary by liz askew
Nov 25, 2012 12:06
11 yrs ago
11 viewers *
Spanish term

impregnación antibiótica

Spanish to English Medical Medical (general)
On a patient's discharge sheet (I think from Mexico, not positive), I'm under the impression it's referring to the administration of an antibiotic after amputation:

"valorado por el servicio de cirugía general se decide que ameita [sic] internamiento para control y tratamiento quirúrgico, amputación del 3er ortejo del pie derecho, curaciones e impregnación antibiótica."
Change log

Nov 26, 2012 15:08: liz askew changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/1661375">lakbowers's</a> old entry - "impregnación antibiótica"" to ""administration of antibiotics/antibiotic impregnantion/antibiotic therapy""


liz askew Nov 25, 2012:
Anything is possible:)
Manuel Locria Nov 25, 2012:
Wow Well thanks you two, that was enlightening :)
liz askew Nov 25, 2012:
Phew! How sweet and kind of you Emma, sometimes I am so stubborn that it can be over-bearing, I know. But I did feel rather strongly about this one.
Bless you for taking this so well, and having the decency and honesty to shine forth:)
I wish you well.
liz askew Nov 25, 2012:
or, if you prefer, "wound care"
Emma Goldsmith Nov 25, 2012:
Apologies, Liz I've completely changed my mind !!!
I've found some Mexican refs that do use impregnación to mean systemic antibiotics.

So I must eat my hat and agree with you, and I apologise for misleading other people!
Have a nice evening,
liz askew Nov 25, 2012:
p.s. I also meant to say that "curaciones" are not dressings either, but rather wound healing/wound cleansing and dressing".
I did a 10000 Sp-English transaltion on this so I do know I am right here.
liz askew Nov 25, 2012:
I completely disagree with your interpretation.
Emma Goldsmith Nov 25, 2012:
I'm trying to finish an ICF before the day is out, but can't resist one last comment...

I agree that systemic antibiotics will be used for an amputation. However, I disagree with your interpretation of "impregnación". Instead of Googling for "systemic antibiotics" I would recommend going back to the Spanish and looking up "impregnación" and "antibióticos". It's all about application of antibiotics in situ. (i.e., on catheters, in bone implants, in wound beds, etc.)

That's why impregnación ≠ systemic.

I rest my case :)
liz askew Nov 25, 2012:
Further enlightenment on wound healing and dressing re the foot

See all references relating to "systemic antibiotics"...
liz askew Nov 25, 2012:
I don't think you are reading my references properly. I still think you are incorrect. Indeed this can be generalised as systemic antibiotic therapy.
Let the asker decide.
liz askew Nov 25, 2012:
I don't think you are reading my references properly. I still think you are incorrect. Indeed this can be generalised as systemic antibiotic therapy.
Let the asker decide.
Emma Goldsmith Nov 25, 2012:
Liz, the link you give here in the discussion entry clearly says that impregnated antibiotics are local, not systemic, in the form of beads, sponges or collagen, which is what I tried to explain in my suggested answer.

I agree I'm pushing it a bit by combining the dressing and the impregnated antibiotics in one fell swoop, but that's the idea. Antibiotics (beads/sponge/gauze) are implanted in the wound. They may or may not be changed with every dressing.

But it really can't be generalised as antibiotic therapy or administration.
liz askew Nov 25, 2012:
see this, as well as my documented answer:
liz askew Nov 25, 2012:
Yes, this is what I am saying.
i.e. it is not the dressings that are impregnated with antibiotics.

curaciones = wound cleansing and dressing changes
impregnación antibiotica = antibiotic treatment/therapy/

My references would indicate that this is correct.
Emma Goldsmith Nov 25, 2012:
impregnation I don't quite understand your answer, Liz. Are you saying that impregnación antibiótica could just be a different way of saying systemic antibiotics? If so, I disagree. :)

Proposed translations

3 hrs

administration of antibiotics/antibiotic impregnantion/antibiotic therapy

En presencia de un pie diabético con infección, el tratamiento inicial es con antibioticoterapia empírica, basándose en la gravedad de la infección, y posteriormente se podrá ajustar a los resultados del cultivo cuando este esté indicado tomarse, ya que el cultivo no se realiza de rutina, teniendo en cuenta que el antibiótico no es la piedra angular del tratamiento, *****ni deberá esperarse la impregnación de antibióticos en presencia de pie séptico agudo y donde se tiene evidencia de abscesos, fascitis, artritis séptica, osteomielitis, miositis, y es en estos casos donde la desbridación quirúrgica oportuna, evitara que se perpetué y se propague la infección****, disminuyendo el tiempo de estancia hospitalaria, y asegurará un mejor control del proceso séptico, ya que eliminara todo el tejido desvitalizado y necrótico que está sirviendo como fuente de cultivo para la proliferación bacteriana, y debe de realizarse hasta eliminar lo más posible de tejido desvitalizado, es erróneo por ejemplo, efectuar solo una incisión de la piel para descargar o drenar un absceso, olvidándose por completo de que en el pie diabético, es indispensable destechar todos los compartimentos del pie afectados, así como retirar fascias necrosadas y tendones infectados, ya que a través de éstos es por donde se disemina la infección en forma ascendente. También hay que recordar, que la desbridación no es un evento único, sino que es repetible, y si no se logro el objetivo en el primer acto quirúrgico, lo ideal es efectuar revisiones posteriores y retirar todo el tejido remanente desvitalizado mediante desbridaciones subsecuentes.

Note added at 3 hrs (2012-11-25 15:52:13 GMT)

Note added at 3 hrs (2012-11-25 15:57:13 GMT)

Despite these clearly defined objectives, there is little consensus on which of the many available products is the ideal dressing for infection of the diabetic foot. This is mostly due to a lack of research-based evidence to support the use of one dressing over another. Diabetic patients are often excluded from randomized controlled trials of wound dressings, as are most patients with any wound infection. The few published trials are mostly small case studies, lacking sufficient power to change clinical practice. ****However, there is no doubt that proper management of infected diabetic foot ulcers should include appropriate antibiotic therapy, regular and thorough wound debridement, and daily dressing changes****. It is also imperative to evaluate the arterial and venous status of the affected limb. This will help determine the appropriate medical (and potential surgical) treatment.


curaciones {here}

= wound cleansing and dressing changes

Note added at 5 hrs (2012-11-25 17:58:51 GMT)

Additional risk factors predisposing the amputee to infection include a past or current history of corticosteroid therapy and other disease processes leading to an immunocompromised state [41]. When an amputation is performed in proximity to an existing infection, the incidence of postoperative infection is also higher [41]. It is vital that these wounds are inspected on a regular basis for any signs or clues suggesting the possibility of infection and that practitioners are skilled in this monitoring process. .......................******In addition to the use of systemic antibiotics******, wound infection can also be addressed by enhancing the host defence mechanisms (for example controlling blood sugar levels), wound debridement, wound cleansing, increased frequency of dressing changes and use of topical antimicrobials such as silver or iodine dressings [43].
Peer comment(s):

agree Emma Goldsmith : I'm convinced you're right (at long last). It must be a Mexican turn of phrase, and I'd never heard of it before. Very sorry for misleading everyone else :)
2 hrs
Yes it does and my references show this to be the case.
agree Manuel Locria
6 hrs
Gracias y saludos!
agree Jorge Arteaga M.D.
21 hrs
Gracias Jorge!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you so much! I knew it had to be something along those lines but hadn't found a solid answer."
24 mins

antibiotic-impregnated dressings

Antibiotics can be impregnated in beads, cement or sutures during surgical procedures. However, as the medium is not specified, I don't think you can simply add antibiotic-impregnated gauze/beads. I suggest combining the last two items and write "antibiotic-impregnated dressings".

"Topical antibiotics" could work on its own, but it loses the sense of burying the antibiotics inside the wound.

Peer comment(s):

agree Cinnamon Nolan : Definitely. Cheers, Emma. (I got stuck on antibiotic-impregnated WHAT...)
6 mins
Thanks, Cinnamon.
agree Gabriella Bertelmann : agree
1 hr
Thanks, Gabriella
disagree liz askew : No, I do not think they are talking about the dressings here at all, particulary as it clearly states "E impregnación antibiótica" rather than "impregnado/as de antibióticos.
2 hrs
See discussion entry // I take it all back! You're quite right!
agree Manuel Locria
2 hrs
Thanks, Manuel
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