Nov 30, 2007 17:53
16 yrs ago
21 viewers *
Spanish term


Spanish to English Medical Medical (general) experimental surgery
Me again - nearly finished, honest!

I understand that the 'tutor' they're referring to is the catheter/stent, but is there a specfic term when it's left inside (unattached)? Found some references to splints, but they didn't seem too reliable.

Se seccionó el estómago y se procedió al cierre sobre un catéter de la porción obtenida con Dexon 4/0, resecando previamente el exceso de mucosa gástrica del colgajo.
Esta última anastomosis, de la misma forma que la anterior, se realizó ***sobre un tutor*** sin técnica antirreflujo.
El catéter ureteral se abandonó sin fijarlo dentro de la vejiga, esperando su expulsión espontánea.
Las características de la micción fueron normales, no observándose moco mezclado con la orina. La totalidad de los animales ***expulsaron el catéter dejado como tutor ureteral*** en los siete primeros días.

Thanks again. I don't like to be such a pain, but I'm bent on starting my holidays tomorrow!


Álvaro :O) :O)
Proposed translations (English)
4 guide (stent)
4 [external] catheter


Juan Jacob Apr 25, 2008:
Esta es una pregunta "vintage Proz". Va tomando cuerpo y saber con el tiempo, como el buen vino.
moken (asker) Apr 25, 2008:
Still haven't forgotten! Believe it or not, although I have done a couple more jobs for this client, they still haven't re-written their article! Patience is a virtue, they say... :O) :O)
moken (asker) Jan 16, 2008:
Happy New Year! Hi guys. I haven't forgotten this question and I do appreciate your suggestions. When I pointed out the 'sticky' terms, the client told me that he had decided to make several amendments to the original article. We agreed that he would also review the translation thus far and that we'd look into these terms when he had the a final version of the manuscript. Thanks for your patience! :O) :O)
moken (asker) Nov 30, 2007:
Bonito, ¿verdad? Gracias Juan...un ratito más y se acabó. ¡Feliz Navidad por adelantado! :O)
Juan Jacob Nov 30, 2007:
Con un texto tan escabroso, no me soprende que nadie responda... ¡uf! Que termines pronto y felices vaGaciones.

Proposed translations

47 mins

guide (stent)

A stent/catheter used a s guide:
DRAE: TUTOR -> Caña o estaca que se clava al pie de una planta para mantenerla derecha en su crecimiento.

Note added at 48 mins (2007-11-30 18:42:13 GMT)

Google "guide stent" and you'll see lots of examples:

Note added at 49 mins (2007-11-30 18:42:30 GMT)

Y buen finde ;)
Something went wrong...
5 hrs

[external] catheter

Reflujo vesicoureteral esencial y reimplantación ureteral ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
ron tutores ureterales externos (sonda de Nelaton). En el postoperatorio inmediato todos los ... vesical o tutor ureteral, antibióticos y analgésicos ... - Similar pages

In selective cases (modeling), external ureteral tutors (Nelaton catheters) were placed. In the immediate postoperative period all patients received ... - 230k - Cached - Similar pages

Dado que los
niños precisarían de una anestesia para la extracción de los catéteres
endoureterales, parece lógico señalar que en caso de ser precisos estos
tutores la derivación preferentemente debería ser externa.

Note added at 5 hrs (2007-11-30 23:27:53 GMT)


external drainage catheter...

I think the "external" bit is important in actual fact

Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology : Yamanouchi ...
The internal/external drainage catheter is left across the anastomosis to maintain .... compression gastroenteric anastomoses achieved with covered stents, ... - Similar pages
Use of External Ureteral Catheters and Internal Double J Stents in ...
... Urinary diversion; Ureteroileal anastomosis; External ureteral catheters ... With double J stents a shorter hospital stay was achieved with similar ... - Similar pages
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