Nov 10, 2023 15:52
10 mos ago
38 viewers *
Spanish term

cumplimiento efectivo

Spanish to English Law/Patents Law (general) Imprisonment
Qué por sentencia de fecha xxxxxx se condenó a xxxxxx a la pena de xxxx (xx) años de prisión de cumplimento efectivo.

origen del texto: Argentina


678 (asker) Nov 15, 2023:
The target country is Austria.
678 (asker) Nov 14, 2023:
The target country is Austria.
Toni Castano Nov 11, 2023:
@678 Can you tell us the target country of your translation? Thanks.

Proposed translations

35 mins

Fully served

I would translate it this way so that it is not a literal translation but using a usual terminology......

That by sentence dated xxxxxx, xxxxxx was sentenced to xxxx (xx) years imprisonment to be fully served.
Peer comment(s):

agree AllegroTrans : How about "...sentenced to (xx) full years of imprisonment"?
1 hr
One thing is being sentenced to XXX full years and another thing is to fully serve those years Allegro, not everyone fully serves the years that they are sentenced to....
neutral Rebecca Jowers : Sentence-"sentencia" are false cognates: "sentencia" = judgment (the court's decision); often confused with "sentence" (the punishment, here imprisonment)
2 hrs
A person is "sentenced" to imprisonment
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
56 mins


prisión de cumplimento efectivo corresponds to the default meaning of the single word 'imprisonment' in English. Being the default meaning, it doesn't need to be qualified with anything similar to the Spanish 'cumplimiento efectivo'.

'imprisonment' will only be 'qualified' in English if the sentence differs from the default, in which case it might say (depending on the circumstances, of course...):

x years of imprisonment, suspended for xx years
x years of imprisonment, reduced by zz years corresponding to time spent on remand,
x years of imprisonment to be served under house arrest in view of the condemned individual's state of health,
etc. etc.

Note added at 4 hrs (2023-11-10 20:12:31 GMT)

Note added on seeing Rebecca's answer:
Denial of access to parole (libertad condicional) is only one of a number of 'qualifiers' that can be applied by an Argentine court to make a prison sentence more, or less, onerous for the inmate.
Others (see Ley 24.660 - Ley de ejecución de pena privativa de la libertad * ) include, for example, prisión domiciliaria, which may be allowed or denied by the court to pregnant women, those in the final stages of an incurable disease, those aged 70 or more, etc.
It is my understanding that cumplimiento efectivo also excludes these other options - in which case a translation that refers specifically to 'without parole' would not be appropriate.
Peer comment(s):

agree philgoddard : Good point. You might want to add a note saying why you've omitted three words.
44 mins
Thanks. I think your suggestion (why 3 ES words omitted?) is dealt with in my first sentence.
neutral AllegroTrans : Trouble here is that your answer is based on the "English" default, whereas the Spanish adds a qualifier, which I think means that the specified term must be served
45 mins
agree neilmac : FWIW, I'm convinced...
16 hrs
disagree Adrian MM. : too trite and imprisonment can be overnight in a police cell or in a US-type illegal immigrants' detention center/centre, besides which your shortening of the term point, though a good one, is otiose and contradicted by Helena's ref: 76 del Código Penal.
18 hrs
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2 hrs

without parole

In English the idea of “cumplimiento efectivo (de la pena/condena)” is often expressed as serving a sentence “without parole”. “Without parole” indicates that there is no possibility of early release and that the offender will serve the sentence in full.

So, your text might be worded as: “In a judgment dated xxxxx, xxxxx was sentenced to xx years in prison (or) xx years incarceration without parole.

Note added at 7 hrs (2023-11-10 23:19:43 GMT)

In jurisdictions that don't use the term "parole", "cumplimiento efectivo" as used in your text could be rendered as:

xxxx was sentenced to xx years in prison without early release

The idea is that they must serve the whole sentence without the possibility of parole or early release.
Peer comment(s):

agree Helena Chavarria
6 mins
Thanks, Helena
neutral Jennifer Levey : I think this too specific. For want of space here, I've added a note under my answer.
1 hr
"good time" is precisely one of the "credits" that can be applied toward earning parole
neutral philgoddard : Parole is libertad condicional.
1 hr
Yes it is, and if one serves a sentence without parole, he serves the entire sentence (= cumplimiento efectivo de sentencia")
agree Adrian MM. : also early/cond.* release. In the UK, would be 'on licence' with recall to prison on re-offending. PS not to be confused with parol (oral) evidence //Not really*
17 hrs
Thanks, Adrian. So "on licence" in the UK is the US "on parole"? I will add that to my personal US-UK legal glossary.
neutral AllegroTrans : Parole is only one way among others in which a sentence can be lessened, so "without parole" is too specific
2 days 15 hrs
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2 days 20 hrs

mandatory incarceration

In case you are worried that you might not be fully considering the meaning of the term, this is effectively :) what it means.

"sentenced to two years of mandatory incarceration"

Minimum-Mandatory Sentencing Act Exposed

ALEC Exposed › wiki › Minimum-Mand...
(c) of Paragraph (1) of this Subsection], a mandatory term of incarceration of not less than 10 years and not more than 20 years and a fine of up to $300,000. ( ...

Truth in Sentencing Act - Chapter - Delaware General Assembly
Delaware General Assembly (.gov) › SessionLaws
(b) Where an inmate is serving a 'non-mandatory' Level V (incarceration) sentence and Is subsequently sentenced to a mandatory term of incarceration ...
Peer comment(s):

neutral AllegroTrans : Both yr refs are from USA; are you sure the meaning is that the term must be served in full?
7 hrs
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Reference comments

12 mins

cumplimiento efectivo

Pen. Tiempo que dura la ejecución de una pena.

Note added at 31 mins (2023-11-10 16:23:38 GMT)

Se trata de un límite que está previsto en el artículo 76 del Código Penal en el que se especifica que un reo no puede permanecer en prisión por más tiempo que el triple del establecido en la condena más larga.

“El máximo de cumplimiento efectivo de la condena del culpable no podrá exceder del triple del tiempo por el que se le imponga la más grave de las penas en que haya incurrido, que no podrá exceder de 20 años”.

A modo de ejemplo, imaginemos que una persona tiene pendientes 7 condenas: 2 de ellas de 1 año, 2 de 3 años y 3 de 4 años. A priori, sumándolas todas debería cumplir 20 años de prisión. Con el triple de la mayor, solo cumpliría el límite del resultado de multiplicar por 3 la condena mayor (es decir, la de 4 años). De esta manera, cumpliría 12 años de prisión, no los 20 iniciales.

Many States have recently enacted a truth-insentencing law which requires offenders to serve a substantial portion of their sentence and reduces the discrepancy between the sentence imposed and actual time served in prison.

"Good" Time
Every sentence imposed by the judge is reduced by “good time.” The amount of the reduction is set by law and equals one-quarter of the sentence. For example, a person sentenced by the judge to serve 60 days in jail will serve 45 actual days.

Cumplimiento efectivo seems to be the actual time served in prison.
Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree philgoddard : Your second reference is relevant only if the person has multiple sentences. 'Actual time served' would be fine as a translation, though I'm not totally clear what it means in practice.
25 mins
In Spain (I don't know about other countries) you hear of people sentenced to x years in prison but they're often released earlier.
neutral Jennifer Levey : The 'actual time served in prison' cannot be determined, in advance, in the sentence - it won't be known until the individual walks free, perhaps many years later.
6 hrs
The def. of cumplimiento efectivo is 'tiempo que dura la ejecución de una pena'. I think it's important to include 'time' in the translation. My reference isn't an answer, it's to help someone find a decent translation. Thanks for you opinion. Jennifer.
agree Andy Watkinson
10 hrs
Thanks, Andy! Nice to 'see' you. How's everything going?
agree AllegroTrans
1 day 1 hr
Thank you, AllegroTrans :-)
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