Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

empleado independiente

English translation:

employee not involved in

Added to glossary by Manuel Aburto
Oct 1, 2020 02:56
3 yrs ago
62 viewers *
Spanish term

empleado independiente

Spanish to English Law/Patents Law (general) Finance Policies, Procedures and Standards Manual
El monto del fondo fijo de cada caja chica se establecerá de acuerdo a las necesidades reales de cada una de ellas pudiendo este ser modificado siempre y cuando se establezca en acta la modificación con su debida justificación.

Todo desembolso por gastos tendrá la documentación de respaldo suficiente y con la información que permita su registro de acuerdo a la clasificación de gastos en las líneas presupuestarias vigentes y deberá ser autorizado por un **empleado independiente** tanto de las actividades de manejo o custodia de los fondos y valores, como de las actividades contables o de registro. Dichos documentos de respaldo deberán inutilizarse con un sello de “Cancelado” al momento de efectuarse el desembolso.

Arqueos sorpresivos a los fondos
La existencia de fondos, cualquiera sea su origen, deberán estar sujeta a comprobaciones físicas mediante arqueos sorpresivos periódicos, practicados por un **empleado independiente**, de quienes tienen la responsabilidad de su custodia y registro.

Asumo que aquí con "empleado independiente" hacen referencia de manera independiente a la separación de funciones (seggregation of duties); no obstante, aun así no estoy seguro de cómo traducir "empleado independiente"
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philgoddard Oct 1, 2020:
Yes, you're right, Manuel. The misplaced comma in the second example doesn't help.
Manuel Aburto (asker) Oct 1, 2020:
Actually, I think they are referring to employees of the company with a separation of duties.

Proposed translations

14 hrs

employee not involved in

You have to read the whole sentence. It says "independiente de" in both cases.

Note added at 14 hrs (2020-10-01 17:28:15 GMT)

In the second example, you could say "unconnected with".
Note from asker:
Yes, I think this is the meaning here!
Peer comment(s):

agree Robert Carter : Well done for actually reading the sentence!
13 hrs
agree Lester Tattersall : Obvious that this is the correct answer. In the 2nd case I'd prefer "other than those who..."
17 hrs
agree Antonella Perazzoni
21 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you Phil!"
14 mins

independent contractor

Independent contractors and employees. Who is an employee? Who is an independent contractor? How can the Fair Work Ombudsman help independent ...

Employee vs. Independent Contractor: Differences You Need › articles › e...
Traducir esta página
The Law Is Clear. Certain factors will define a worker as an independent contractor in every case: not relying on the business as the sole source of income, ...

Note added at 16 mins (2020-10-01 03:13:03 GMT)

Maybe you've never thought about the difference between being an employee and being an independent contractor (also called a consultant).

Note added at 17 mins (2020-10-01 03:14:39 GMT)

or just say "independent worker"

The term "independent worker" is all encompassing and technically includes freelancers, independent contractors, W-2 contract employees, temporary workers, consultants, etc. Do you think people see the term independent worker and understand what it means?

Note added at 18 mins (2020-10-01 03:15:02 GMT)

covers all bases

Note added at 1 hr (2020-10-01 04:49:41 GMT)

I would just stick with "independent worker" and you can't go wrong
Peer comment(s):

agree Adrian MM.
4 hrs
thanks Adrian
agree EirTranslations
5 hrs
thanks EirT
agree AllegroTrans
8 hrs
thanks Chris
disagree philgoddard : You've parsed both sentences wrongly.
14 hrs
maybe but I think this is workable Phil
neutral Robert Carter : With Phil on this. Independent worker is okay as a translation for the term, but in this case it doesn't mean that.
1 day 3 hrs
agree Tony Keily
1 day 9 hrs
Something went wrong...
6 hrs


empleados dependientes, independientes o microempresarios
English translation: employees, freelancers, or small-business owners

Note added at 6 hrs (2020-10-01 09:30:50 GMT)

Freelancer: ¡todo lo que necesitas saber para volverte uno! › freelancer-que-es
Translate this page
15 Feb 2018 - Un freelancer es un trabajador independiente que ofrece trabajos específicos para empresas o personas, de forma autónoma, gestionando él ...

Note added at 6 hrs (2020-10-01 09:34:56 GMT)


Freelance (sometimes spelled free-lance or free lance),[1] freelancer, or freelance worker, are terms commonly used for a person who is self-employed and not necessarily committed to a particular employer long-term. Freelance workers are sometimes represented by a company or a temporary agency that resells freelance labor to clients; others work independently or use professional associations or websites to get work.

While the term independent contractor would be used in a different register of English to designate the tax and employment classes of this type of worker, the term "freelancing" is most common in culture and creative industries, and use of this term may indicate participation therein.[2]

Fields, professions, and industries where freelancing is predominant include: music, writing, acting, computer programming, web design, graphic design, translating and illustrating, film and video production and other forms of piece work which some cultural theorists consider as central to the cognitive-cultural economy.[3]
Peer comment(s):

neutral Robert Carter : With Phil on this. Yes, freelancer is an acceptable translation for the term, but in this case you're misparsing "independiente".
21 hrs
Something went wrong...
3 hrs

independent employee or consultant

If an employee is independent then the person may be freelance, or simply outside of the main group of employees. He or she is most likely to be self-employed. In the example sentence the person has a duty to authorize outlays for expenses, suggesting that he or she is in management, deputy or assistant management or consultancy. A consultant gives expert or professional advice, and may also consult someone or something.

"A contractor is a person or a firm who promises to carry out work or supply goods at a fixed rate (especially in construction)."

Note added at 1 day 17 hrs (2020-10-02 20:15:59 GMT) Post-grading

Independence is incorporated within freelance work.
As another explained, an 'independent worker' being one who does not depend on an income from one employer as a primary income, is a general term to cover more aspects of independence within the field of work or labour market.
The source text explains that the person is independent from management and custody of finances as much as from registry and accountancy.
"Fondos deberán estar sujetos a comprobaciones mediante arqueos periódicos, practicados por un empleado independiente, de quienes tienen la responsabilidad de su custodia y registro."
"Funds must be subject to verification (checks or inspections) carried out periodically by those with responsibility for protective custody (safe-keeping) and registry."

"... talones de nómina de los últimos 30 días, si es empleado independiente, registros recientes de declaración federal de impuestos."
" ... household income or any other money coming in (pay-cheques or wage slips) during the last 30 days, or current federal income tax records if self-employed"

"Otro concepto, para el empleado independiente podría ser de las horas en que está disponible para trabajar o para asistir a clientes."
"Another concept for the self-employed person (independent worker or freelancer) could relate to the hours and times surrounding the person's availability to work or attend clients."
"A freelancer is a person who sells services to employers without a long term contract or commitment to any of them."

Example sentence:

Todo desembolso por gastos ... en las líneas presupuestarias vigentes deberá ser autorizado por un empleado independiente.

Each financial outlay for expenses ... in the current budgeting lines must be authorized by an independent employee (freelancer or self-employed person), who may be a consultant or (assistant) manager.

Peer comment(s):

disagree AllegroTrans : If a person is freelance he/she is not an employee at all! Why do you never look at other people's answers and ask yourself whether they may be correct?
5 hrs
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