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JUS unit

    The asker opted for community grading. The question was closed on 2018-07-10 17:54:09 based on peer agreement (or, if there were too few peer comments, asker preference.)
Jul 7, 2018 04:18
6 yrs ago
47 viewers *
Spanish term


Spanish to English Law/Patents Law (general)
"El monto de la referida multa no podrá ser inferior a cien (100) jus"

This comes from a statute in Argentina concerning the situation of legal fees between client and attorney. Not sure what is meant by "jus" here. This is in a section that discusses the penalties (sanciones) for waiving legal fees early and forming agreements for amounts less than those foreseen in the law.

Much thanks in advance!
Proposed translations (English)
4 +1 JUS unit

Proposed translations

27 mins

JUS unit

This is the Argentine system of a standard unit for fines and fees, similar to the standard scale, as it's known in the United Kingdom, or the Penalty Units system in Australia:

"The standard scale is a system whereby financial criminal penalties (fines) in legislation have maximum levels set against a standard scale. Then, when inflation makes it necessary to increase the levels of the fines the legislators need to modify only the scale rather than every individual piece of legislation."

"In Australian law, a penalty unit (abbreviated as PU) is an amount of money used to compute pecuniary penalties for many breaches of statute law. Fines are calculated by multiplying the value of one penalty unit by the number of penalty units prescribed for the offence.
Prior to the introduction of penalty units, fines and other charges were usually prescribed in terms of ordinary money (pounds or, later, dollars). However, the effects of inflation meant that originally substantial penalties were eventually reduced to trifling sums. Frequent amendment of the many laws and regulations dealing with pecuniary penalties would be a very time-consuming process. Penalty units provide a quick and simple way to adjust many different fees and charges."

I quote these because they explain the rationale behing standard units: they are convenient in places with inflation (such as Argentina) because by changing the value of a JUS unit you automatically update all the laws that specify fines.

""Artículo 17.- El Jus. Destino de los importes de las multas. La unidad para determinar la cuantía de la multa es el jus, el cual es el equivalente en pesos a la unidad jus que establece la ley 12.851 y vigente al momento de aplicar la sanción."

The JUS is also used to set legal fees:

Here you can see how the value has been updated in Santa Fe province:

I think you can call it a JUS unit; I would be inclined to put JUS in capitals, which will help to make it clear that's it's a conventional unit

Note added at 1 hr (2018-07-07 05:59:05 GMT)

It seems that local fines in Córdoba were pegged to the price of gasoline (petrol), and it was proposed in 2017 that they should use the JUS unit instead:

"Piden descolgar el valor de las multas del litro de nafta [...]
Teniendo en cuenta que según el artículo 21 de la Ordenanza 12468 -Código de Convivencia Municipal- el 'Valor de la multa' es equivalente en pesos de quince litros de nafta de menor octanaje, valor surtidor o precio final al público, de la empresa estatal YPF plaza Córdoba se presenta un proyecto de ordenanza para que se modifique dicho artículo ya que un incremento en el valor de la nafta provocaría un incremento en las multas", consideran los concejales del bloque de ADN, liderado por Tomás Méndez, quienes sugirieron, en cambio, que se tome en cuenta la "Unidad Judicial de Medida (JUS) en lugar del litro de nafta"
Peer comment(s):

agree Jennifer Levey : Neighbouring Chile uses the UTM or UTA (monthly/annual tax unit), which has a variable (constantly increasing!) exchange rate vis à vis the CLP. These units update the value of the penalty without requiring revisions to the law that sets them.
20 hrs
Thanks, Robin. As the other question showed, Argentina's JUS for legal fees (different from the one for fines) is also known as UMA (unidad de medida arancelaria). This is a sensible system and certainly better than petrol prices.
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Reference comments

22 mins


FOLIO: 038
Río Gallegos, 17 de octubre de 2013
Que el Art. 12 de la ley instituye el “Jus” la unidad de honorario profesional de Abogado o Procurador.
Que el “Jus”, representará el 1% de la remuneración total asignada al cargo de Juez Letrado de Primera Instancia de la Provincia de Santa Cruz, entendiéndose por tal la suma de todos aquellos rubros, sea cual fuere su denominación, incluida la bonificación por antigüedad por el tiempo exigido por el Art. 50 de la Ley 1 Texto según Ley 1600 (4 años), cuya determinación no dependa de la situación particular del Magistrado.-
1) Establecer la unidad de honorario profesional de Abogado o Procurador “Jus”, en pesos seiscientos dos con cero centavos ($ 602), el que será actualizado en forma trimestral


ARTICULO 9°: Institúyese con la denominación de "Jus" la unidad de honorario profesional de Abogado o Procurador, que representará el uno (1) por ciento de la remuneración total asignada al cargo de Juez Letrado de Primera Instancia de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, entendiéndose por tal la suma de todos aquellos rubros, sea cual fuere su denominación

El Colegio de Abogados de Santa Fe informa a sus colegiados que la Corte Suprema de Justicia ha modificado el valor de la denominada Unidad Jus de los honorarios profesionales, debido a un incremento salarial para el personal del Poder Judicial a partir del 1º de Abril de 2018, esto en función de la base de cálculo del valor JUS, el cual representa el (2 %) de la remuneración total, deducidos los adicionales porcentuales particulares, del cargo de Juez de Primera Instancia de Distrito (Art. 32 – Ley 12.851).
Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree Charles Davis : That's right: there's also a jus for legal fees, though in the question it's the one for fines.
18 mins
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