May 5, 2018 17:41
6 yrs ago
20 viewers *
Spanish term

Ministro Redactor

Spanish to English Law/Patents Law (general)
Hi, I would appreciate your help.

This is a ruling on an appeal. I understand this to be the judge who drafts the ruling (writes it) but wonder if there is a specific term in English.




MINISTROS FIRMANTES:Dres. yyy, nnn, y zzz


Para sentencia interlocutoria en segunda instancia estos autos caratulados: etc. etc."

Thanks in advance for your input.

Proposed translations

12 mins

drafting judge/justice

Here's "ministro" first of all. I've checked, and this text is from Uruguay.
"En algunos países americanos, juez de la Corte o Tribunal Supremo."

And here are some English examples:

The IJC has pointed out that this conduces to bad practice in the appeal court, where the drafting judge's work can be “nodded through” by his or her two colleagues, who are not paid enough to do their own research and writing.

On the one hand, if the drafting justice holds an extreme view on the issues in a case and is not able to incorporate the views of more moderate colleagues, those justices may withdraw their votes.

Note added at 14 mins (2018-05-05 17:56:06 GMT)

You could also just say "drafted by, signed by, dissenting"
Peer comment(s):

agree Jennifer Levey
14 mins
agree AllegroTrans
2 hrs
agree Toni Castano : There are several ways of expressing the idea, yours is only one of them.
17 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "This was very helpful!!! Thank you so much. "
1 hr

Reporting judge

See also West. Ministro relator: in Ecuador judge of a court of appeals who reports on the case to the other judges.
Peer comment(s):

disagree AllegroTrans : but that is 'relator': this text says 'redactor'
1 hr
agree Toni Castano : Absolutely correct, nothing to object against it.
16 hrs
disagree Jennifer Levey : Agree with AT - wrong concept.
18 hrs
neutral Robert Carter : It is absolutely the right idea, "relator", "ponente" or "redactor" all refer to the same idea, but I prefer "opinion writer".
4 days
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Reference comments

17 hrs

Ministro redactor (Uruguay)/Magistrado ponente (Spain)
En estos órganos colegiados, la concurrencia de varias personas en la realización de esos cometidos, impone la necesidad de atribuir a uno de ellos la función de seguimiento, estudio, instrucción del asunto y la comunicación de sus resultados e ilustración sobre el estado de la causa y de sus incidencias a los restantes integrantes del Tribunal; pues, si bien, todas las decisiones que se adopten en esta clase de órganos jurisdiccionales ha de ser colegidas, es decir, con acuerdo unánime o mayoritario de sus componentes, la llevanza del asunto directamente se atribuye a uno solo de ellos, que no puede tomar decisiones independientes con autonomía de los demás componentes. A quien compete esa función de inmediatez de dirección y llevanza del asunto se le denomina Magistrado Ponente, o Ponente, a secas, a quien, además, le corresponde la más importante de sus funciones, la redacción de las resoluciones que se acuerden, especialmente, la sentencia. Es una especie de función delegada de los demás componentes de la Sala.

Note added at 18 hrs (2018-05-06 11:47:23 GMT)
Case n… 873/2010 of TS, Sala 2», de lo Penal, October 18, 2010
<B>Reporting Judge: XXX XXX XXX XXX</B>
PUBLICACIÓN .- LeÍdas y publicadas han sido las anteriores sentencias por el Magistrado Ponente Excmo. Sr. D. xxx xxx xxx xxx, mientras se celebraba audiencia pública en el día de su fecha la Sala Segunda del Tribunal Supremo, de lo que como Secretario certifico.

Note added at 18 hrs (2018-05-06 11:51:48 GMT)

An additional useful link dealing with this topic:

Note added at 18 hrs (2018-05-06 12:02:30 GMT)
MP Magistrado Ponente -Colombia- (Reporting Judge/ Judge Rapporteur)

Note added at 18 hrs (2018-05-06 12:14:34 GMT)

In the following link, you´ll see the the translation strongly depends on the target country:
Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree AllegroTrans : Yes, but the functions of "drafting" (the decision) and tht of a Reporting Judge (who summarises the issues on a more of less independent basis) are quite different and should not be confused
8 hrs
Thanks for your input. In many jurisdictions, the reporting judge not only "reports" to the other panel members of the appellate court, but also drafts the judicial decision. I pasted some examples where you can clearly confirm what I say.
agree Robert Carter : I'm not quite sure what AT means, but I agree with you, this refers to the "opinion writer". Could you perhaps post it as an answer, Toni?
3 days 15 hrs
Thank you Robert. I assume, AT means that reporting judge and "ministro redactor" are not the same, which is wrong. They can be the very same person depending the jurisdiction involved. This is what I tried to explain, unsuccessfully, much to my dismay
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