Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by Paola Serrano
Jul 13, 2011 19:53
13 yrs ago
272 viewers *
Spanish term


Spanish to English Law/Patents Law (general) POWER OF ATTORNEY
Hi! I'm having trouble translating this word within this sentence:

Yo, el Notario, doy fe de que, a mi juicio y bajo mi responsabilidad, han quedado suficientemente acreditadas las facultades representativas para el presente otorgamiento.

Thanks in advance!


FVS (X) Jul 13, 2011:
Hi Ana I have made the same mistake as well. You don't really focus on the bit in the header.
Ana Brause Jul 13, 2011:
Thanks FVS, I focused on the text!
FVS (X) Jul 13, 2011:
Ana Please look at the header to the question.
Ana Brause Jul 13, 2011:
IMHO No hay elementos suficientes para saber que el documento es un Poder y que se está otorgando el mismo. Entiendo que el Notario certifica en este caso que quien otorga tiene facultades suficientes. Puede ser un Mandatario enajenando algo. Saludos!

Proposed translations

3 mins


Either will do.

Note added at 3 mins (2011-07-13 19:57:04 GMT)

.... for grant/execution hereof.

Note added at 11 mins (2011-07-13 20:04:12 GMT)

As to grant or execution, in some cases one or other is preferable. If it is a power of attorney, for example, grant is better but sometimes execution is preferable. If in doubt put execution.

Note added at 11 mins (2011-07-13 20:04:47 GMT)

I see this is a poa, so I would put grant.
Peer comment(s):

25 mins
Thank you Carmen.
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Muchas gracias!! Perdona por contestar tan tarde."
3 mins


execution of the document - by competent authorities

Peer comment(s):

agree Ana Brause
1 hr
Thank you, Ana - Mike
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1 hr


another possibility
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18 hrs

execution and delivery

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