Mar 16, 2010 20:23
14 yrs ago
5 viewers *
Spanish term

deber general de prevención

Spanish to English Law/Patents Law (general)
Parte de la ley 31/1995, Prevención de riesgos laborales (España)

El empresario aplicará las medidas que integran el deber general de prevención.

Estoy algo cansada y creo que me he quedado sin ideas....

Desde ya muchas gracias por su ayuda
del Tesauro de la OIT
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Liliana Galiano Mar 16, 2010:
Si 'prevención', ya me cansó el tema.
Edward Tully Mar 16, 2010:
I think the recent posters are right, it is a fact that in Spanish "de prevención" is very common without an object (because it is obvious because of the industrial/health and safety context) but in English it is always included (whatever that may be) and the translation of "prevención de riesgos laborales" (not "previsión" Multitrans!) is either "health and safety at work" (UK) or "risk prevention" (US) - that's it, full stop, period!
jacana54 (X) Mar 16, 2010:
IMHO, para el título tal vez podrías poner "general duty to provide/of providing health and safety at work" y hablar de "risk" en los literales... Pero creo que tiene razón Fiona al hablar de "duty".
Liliana Galiano Mar 16, 2010:
Si, justamente, lo que sucede es que así expresado 'deber general de previsión' en Español es todo un título, no una frase más. Si piensas que es una frase común con 'general prevention duties' sería suficiente y ni hubieses necesitado preguntar, creo.
philgoddard Mar 16, 2010:
Laureana - Edward is quite right.
Laureana Pavon (asker) Mar 16, 2010:
Mi pregunta Mi pregunta en realidad es cómo traducir "deber general de prevención, no como traducir "prevención de riesgos". Gracias a todos por su ayuda.
margaret caulfield Mar 16, 2010:
Toni, There's no doubt the text itself refers to risks at work. That's already mentioned in the asker's note, but it's not what she's asked to be translated (which is a heading).
margaret caulfield Mar 16, 2010:
Ah! And by the way... I was not asked to translate "risk" or "hazard". It comes at a later point.
Edward Tully Mar 16, 2010:
No doubt Must be either "risk prevention" or "health and safety at work"
jacana54 (X) Mar 16, 2010:
Creo que viene por el lado de "occupational hazards".
Toni Castano Mar 16, 2010:
Interesting link It definitely refers to risks related to work. So it is well worth taking a look at this link:
Laureana Pavon (asker) Mar 16, 2010:
Laureana Pavon (asker) Mar 16, 2010:
Se trata del artículo 15 de la ley 31/1995: Artículo 15. Principios de la acción preventiva.

1. El empresario aplicará las medidas que integran el deber general de prevención previsto en el artículo anterior, con arreglo a los siguientes principios generales:

a) Evitar los riesgos.

b) Evaluar los riesgos que no se puedan evitar.

c) Combatir los riesgos en su origen.

Proposed translations

7 mins

general duty of care

If you google 'general duty of care', lots of refs, some of which are pasted below - employers' responsibility to protect employees from hazards, accidents, etc.

[PDF] General duty of care
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
the 'general duty of care' provisions of the Western Australian ...... The Act imposes a general duty of care to protect persons at work from hazards and ...
General Duty of Care - WorkSafe - Department of Commerce
26 Oct 2009 ... “General duty of care” and “general duties” describe duties that the Act places upon people to ensure their own safety at work and that of ... › ... › About WorkSafe › Legislation › The Act - Cached
Show more results from
[PDF] 3.3 The employer's general duty of care “It shall be the duty of ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
Risk Assessment for Special Schools. 3.3 The employer's general duty of care. “ It shall be the duty of every employer to ensure so far as is reasonably ... - Similar
File Format: Microsoft Word - View as HTML
While pupils are on school premises, school authorities and teachers owe pupils a duty of care of general supervision concerning their physical safety: ... of Care.doc - Similar
Peer comment(s):

disagree margaret caulfield : Please see the asker's question. You do not mention "prevención" in your answer at all!
23 mins
That's because the term is 'duty of care', which can be expanded - 'to prevent risk' or whatever, depending on circumstances...
agree philgoddard : I hate it when people say "'such-and-such a word doesn't appear in the translation, so it must be wrong."
44 mins
thanks Phil. It's appreciated.
agree patinba : This is fine. See Google "Employer general duty of care" and Wikipedia's description of "duty of care"
1 hr
Thanks and all the best.
disagree Liliana Galiano : Sorry but this answer is clearly out of context.
3 hrs
agree Edward Tully : ditto Phil's comment!
5 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
7 mins

general responsibility for health and safety

WikiAnswers - What do the laws governing safety in your home ...
Workplace Health and Safety question: What do the laws governing safety in your home country including the general responsibility for health and safety that ... - Cached

Show more results from[DOC] Health and Safety Organisation
File Format: Microsoft Word - View as HTML
In addition to the general responsibility for health and safety, which is a key element in the roles of managers and supervisory staff, the University has ... - Similar
Peer comment(s):

disagree margaret caulfield : This is a document regard the prevention of work hazards. Also, the asker specifically asked for "deber general de PREVENCION" to be translated, and I see nothing about that in your answer. And, sometimes, literal translations are the ONLY correct version
37 mins
agree philgoddard : This is a perfectly good translation.
43 mins
thank you Phil! ;-)
Something went wrong...
11 mins

general prevention duties/obligations

My option here.
Peer comment(s):

agree eski : Saludos! eski
3 mins
Hi eski! I'm back!! Many thanks.
Something went wrong...
50 mins

general norms/duties of labor risk prevention

In other words.
Something went wrong...

Reference comments

29 mins

del Tesauro de la OIT

prevención de accidentes

seguridad en el trabajo
13.04.2 Seguridad y salud en el trabajo
accident prevention
prévention des accidents

Note added at 34 mins (2010-03-16 20:58:29 GMT)

También veo muchas (otras) páginas que hablan de "risk prevention"...

Note added at 46 mins (2010-03-16 21:10:16 GMT)


Prevention is, without a doubt, one of the keys to reducing work-related injuries and diseases and creating healthy work environments. It is also one of the main objectives of the Canada Labour Code. Part II of the Code is intended to prevent occupational injuries and diseases in any workplace under federal jurisdiction.

Prevention means identifying dangers and eliminating risks and/or minimizing them as much as possible. It is, however, clear that prevention of injuries and diseases requires close cooperation between employers and their employees. Prevention is everybody’s business.

Con sinceridad, Laureana, lo que no me deja conforme es que no encuentro esta acepción de "prevention" en el Black's Law Dictionary, y estoy buscando para ver si el principio general (el deber general que tú mencionás) tiene otro nombre.

Note added at 49 mins (2010-03-16 21:12:40 GMT)

Canada Labour Code

Duties of Employers

General duty of employer
124. Every employer shall ensure that the health and safety at work of every person employed by the employer is protected.

R.S., 1985, c. L-2, s. 124; R.S., 1985, c. 9 (1st Supp.), s. 4; 2000, c. 20, s. 5.
Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree Toni Castano : It is risk prevention, no doubt.
14 mins
Gracias, Toni, saludos.
agree Edward Tully : yep, thank you Lucia! ;-)
56 mins
Es a Laureana que estoy tratando de ayudar; de ninguna manera entrar en las discusiones entre ustedes. Saludos.
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