Spanish term
precio facturado íntegro
¿puede ser que sea algo como "The Agent's right to the commission will depend on the company's receipt of the full invoiced price of the sold products" ??
4 +1 | total invoice value | Helena Chavarria |
2 | net price or cost | lugoben |
PRO (2): Adolfo Fulco, lugoben
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Proposed translations
total invoice value
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the total amount on an invoice, including transport, VAT, etc.
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Note added at 25 mins (2015-10-06 08:20:52 GMT)
Total Invoice Value of Goods Supplied
Those publishers who are paid on an invoice value basis are charged a percentage of the value of goods we invoice out to shops and individuals in each month. The Invoice Value Sales Report the publisher receive gives a net invoice value for each title. To calculate the value of goods invoiced out we add the value of returns [credits] back into the equation [to make the net calculations we took invoiced value and subtracted the returns value].
Changing the Calculation Method of Total Invoice Value
These settings are found in Settings > Account Settings > Configuration > Ways of Calculation > How to Calculate Total Invoice Value
Available options include:
Thank you! :) |
net price or cost
Gracias! :) |
neutral |
: It may indeed amount to this, but I think it is risky not to translate "facturada"
9 hrs
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