Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by Wendy Gosselin
Dec 25, 2021 16:52
2 yrs ago
36 viewers *
Spanish term


Spanish to English Science Idioms / Maxims / Sayings
I think this must be turpentine misspelled in the Spanish original, but wanted to confirm with my fellow Prozers! A horror story by a Spanish writer:

la mano invisible me serrucha el costillar, dejando al desnudo el corazón; me aplica dos inyecciones de grasa de oveja, resina de pino y terebintina (la primera en la aorta y la segunda en la cava) que se expanden lentamente por mis arterias y venas, solidificándolas

Proposed translations (English)
5 +4 turpentine


Lisa Rosengard Dec 29, 2021:
Turpentine is a strong clearly colourless liquid, which is one of the only solutions which can remove solidified paint.
(It describes a horrific scene where an invisible hand injects a lethal liquid made from sheep oil and resin with turpentine, which solidifies the central heart area of the body.)
Muriel Vasconcellos Dec 25, 2021:
Agree with Barbara She beat me to it! I recognized it immediately as the Portuguese word. If the text is from Argentina or Uruguay, sometimes there is crossover between the languages.
Barbara Cochran, MFA Dec 25, 2021:
The Term You Entered Is Portuguese And it is translated as "turpentine". So it appears your assumption is most likely correct.

Proposed translations

34 mins


I agree. It's almost certainly an alternate spelling or misspelling of trementina (turpentine).

Terebintina is Portuguese for turpentine, and when spoken, sounds almost identical to the Spanish trementina (turpentine). Per Wikipedia, trementina is actually an alternate spelling in Portuguese as well.

And in French, turpentine is térébenthine, a cognate of terebentina.
Peer comment(s):

agree Katarina Peters
17 mins
Thanks Katarina!
agree slothm
2 hrs
Thank you
agree Muriel Vasconcellos
4 hrs
Thanks, Muriel.
agree neilmac : "Don't drink this at home, folks!" :-)
16 hrs
Jajaja, thank you.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thanks"

Reference comments

1 hr

El aguarrás o trementina es un líquido volátil

El aguarrás o trementina es un líquido volátil e incoloro producido mediante la destilación de la resina, o miera, de diversas especies de coníferas y de varias especies de árboles terebintáceos. Es usada como disolvente de pinturas, y como materia prima para la fabricación de compuestos aromáticos sintéticos y algunos desinfectantes. Es un líquido casi incoloro, de olor muy intenso y característico. En la actualidad se obtiene en grandes cantidades como subproducto de la producción de celulosa (materia prima de la fabricación del papel) en industrias que usan como materia prima coníferas.
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