This question was closed without grading. Reason: Other
Dec 5, 2013 16:13
10 yrs ago
Spanish term

desenchufalo a callao

Spanish to English Other Idioms / Maxims / Sayings
From an Argentine email. I believe they are referring to someone who is being prosecuted for theft.

thanks in advance


Laura Kiernan (asker) Dec 8, 2013:
Thanks again everyone for your contributions. I'm going to close this one without grading since we were unable to get any more context. I appreciate your efforts!
Laura Kiernan (asker) Dec 5, 2013:
Hi all, thanks for your replies. I was wondering if it was some kind of metaphor related to the subway station, or if it perhaps referred to a person. There is very little context. There is an email stating that read as follows:
Los abogados de XXX no se presentaron a la audiencia de la Cámara donde debía debatirse la apelación que habían interpuesto a su procesamiento.
Por lo tanto, el mismo quedó firme.
Then someone forwards that email, adding "desenchufalo a callao !!!" for the new recipients. That's it!
AllegroTrans Dec 5, 2013:
Asker This is too isolated - we need the whole sentence please
Paola Giardina Dec 5, 2013:
Hey, Callao is the name of a street in Buenos Aires, also a subway station! "Desenchúfalo" literally means "to switch sth. off" (imperative sentence), but I think they are using this term metaphorically here. Maybe there´s a punctuation mistake!? Can you give us the complete phrase, please?
Phoenix III Dec 5, 2013:
@ Asker More context needed. Thanks.

Proposed translations

16 hrs

hush this up/distance yourself from this

if you unplug/disconnect something 'a callado' quietly I am guessing that you might be hushing a story up or distancing yourself from it. It is just a guess as there is not enough context but thought I would start the ball rolling.
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