Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Spanish term or phrase:
contó con el decisivo respaldo de los grandes grupos
English translation:
had decisive support from big business
Spanish term
contó con el decisivo respaldo de los grandes grupos
Jun 12, 2013 19:21: philgoddard Created KOG entry
Non-PRO (2): Simon Bruni, Neil Ashby
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How to tell the difference between "easy" and "pro" questions:
An easy question is one that any bilingual person would be able to answer correctly. (Or in the case of monolingual questions, an easy question is one that any native speaker of the language would be able to answer correctly.)
A pro question is anything else... in other words, any question that requires knowledge or skills that are specialized (even slightly).
Another way to think of the difficulty levels is this: an easy question is one that deals with everyday conversation. A pro question is anything else.
When deciding between easy and pro, err on the side of pro. Most questions will be pro.
* Note: non-member askers are not given the option of entering 'pro' questions; the only way for their questions to be classified as 'pro' is for a member or members to re-classify it.
Proposed translations
had decisive support from big business
agree |
Robert Forstag
: Or "from the nation's business community" or "from the nation's large corporations."
3 mins
Yes. Thank you.
agree |
Mariela Diaz-Butler
: Yes. I would put it more simply "had the full support of the business community"
1 hr
agree |
David Ronder
13 hrs
agree |
21 hrs
The government had the backing of the main national private sector concerns.
Over the years, SMAR has served the market research needs of a large number of multinational clients, national private sector concerns and government ...
agree |
Ray Ables
: The government had the backing of the main domestic private-sector groups
14 mins
many thanks
garantizar una mayor concentración de las riquezas, fue
necesario destruir a las organizaciones político-sociales
que luchaban por impedirlo.
La dictadura contó con el decisivo respaldo de los
grandes grupos económicos nacionales y el financiamiento
permanente de los grandes bancos internacionales
y los organismos internacionales de crédito como
el Banco Mundial y el FMI.