Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

colector en alta

English translation:

main header

Added to glossary by Francesc Pont
Jun 29, 2012 15:15
12 yrs ago
10 viewers *
Spanish term

colector en alta

Spanish to English Tech/Engineering Construction / Civil Engineering Water engineering
"El colector en alta fue diseñado y construido considerando una dilución de 1:5, a fin de conducir las aguas hasta Ia nueva planta de tratamiento de Granollers."



Sian Cooper Jun 29, 2012:
Is it simply a collector that is higher up? Top... Hi, not being quite sure what the whole thing is about, I imagine, however, that there is more than one collector, and that they are in a sequence with water descending a gradient. Hence, top collector.
Hola Quizás "main collector"... una vez revisado el documento que te he referenciado.... Un saludo,

Proposed translations

2 days 22 hrs

main header

espero te sirva...
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "This is what I used in my translation... still not 100% sure about it but I really appreciate the help! :)"
8 hrs


it would seem!
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3 days 20 hrs

main public sewer (line) / trunk sewer (line)

sistema público de saneamiento en alta = el conjunto de bienes de dominio público constituido por la estación depuradora de aguas residuales, las estaciones de bombeo, los emisarios submarinos y los colectores en alta asociados. ***Se entiende por colector en alta aquella instalación a la cual se conectan las redes de alcantarillado colectivas, conduciendo directamente (por gravedad o bombeo) las aguas residuales recogidas hasta la estación depuradora de aguas residuales***

sistema público de saneamiento en baja (municipal sewer system) = el conjunto de bienes de dominio público constituido por la red de alcantarillado municipal y las otras instalaciones que, en conformidad con la normativa de régimen local, son de competencia del municipio

So, essentially "en baja" refers to the drains/sewers from buildings/properties within the municipal sewer system to the main/trunk system ("en alta"), which then takes the wastewater to the treatment plant (WWTP). Depending on the system, the main sewer will flow into a trunk sewer, which then takes the wastewater to the WWTP, or the main sewer will go directly to the WWTP.

Sewers are pipelines that begin with connecting pipes from buildings called laterals. Lateral or branch lines form the first element of the waste water collection system. Lateral sewer lines connect into main sewer lines.
Main sewer lines convey waste water to trunk sewer lines.
Trunk sewer lines are large pipes used to convey waste water to treatment plants or other disposal facilities.

Some references I have found state that main and trunk sewer are synonyms, others differentiate between the terms as described above.

MAIN SEWER—The main stem or principal artery of the sewage system to which branches may be
connected (also called the trunk sewer).
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1 hr

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REDES DE AGUA POTABLE. 1.1. Conducciones en alta. Se denomina conducción al conjunto de obras y elementos que tienen la misión de conducir el agua ...
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