Nov 6, 2008 22:59
16 yrs ago
Spanish term

lista de obra/listado de obra

Spanish to English Art/Literary Archaeology Mexico
The publisher I work with has, in the past, used "listado de obra" to refer to a list of "fichas técnicas" -- a list of thumbnails (placed near the end of the book) that explain the origin and other details about images that appear in the main text. Now, I've got a table of contents that reads:

[Title of last chapter]

Lista de obra

I assume that listado and lista are the same thing, but I'm not sure how to express this. OJO "List of Works" absolutely won't fly since a native speaker could misinterpret that as "reference list" or "bibliography". TIA!

Proposed translations

3 hrs

list of illustrations

Unless there is a normal list of illustrations in the front matter, I would suggest calling this a list of illustrations, even though it apparently offers far more detail than you would normally find in a typical list of illustrations. The Chicago Manual of Style does note that a LoI "may include thumbnails that help readers identify illustrations."
Note from asker:
Thanks, Kathryn. I'm a big fan of CMS, and your comment makes a lot of sense to me!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "The publisher revised the title to Catálogo de obra. I'm not sure if I'm going to use illustrations because this refers primarily to photographs. I'm leaning towards "Catalogue of Images". Thanks to everyone for your help!"
6 mins

reference thumbnails

As a native Spanish speaker, "lista de obra" sounds pretty weird to me, regarding the meaning you mentioned.
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6 mins


Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition
Synonyms: abbreviated, abridged, brief, compact, concise, contracted, curtailed, epigrammatic, short, short and sweet*, succinct, summary, to the point, truncated
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13 mins


Specifying what kind (photographs, photographic, illustrations, etc) possibly preceded with 'list of'
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10 hrs

List of Plates

Although it would seem the best option of the replies you received could be "list of illustrations" , I think this would be used more to refer to illustrations contained throughout the book, without having details about the artwork like a Ficha Técnica would. In any art catalogue or book, the art work always includes name, date, origin, donor, etc
Example sentence:

I looked it up in an egyptian exhibition art book: Plates

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