Sep 2, 2022 14:12
1 yr ago
26 viewers *
Spanish term


Spanish to English Bus/Financial Accounting Logistics/billing
CHILE. From the same list of software strings as my previous query. It looks like it means garment voucher, which seems rather odd.



neilmac (asker) Sep 2, 2022:
@phil That's your opinion. However, let me assure you that I have researched these things till I'm blue in the face. And anyway, as I see it, the purpose of the kudoz section is to be able to brainstorm more knowledgeable colleagues, and I am really grateful for the opportunity to do so. The most annoying thing is that I also have a 12K translation of "normal" text sitting here, which I could be getting on with instead of this seemingly never-ending gnomic verbiage. Anyway, I'm going to leave the software strings for now, as the client will be having the weekend off, whereas I will be getting on with my 12K academic translation, for which I won't need to consult anyone at all.
philgoddard Sep 2, 2022:
I do think you should spend more time on research before you post here. This is not the first time you've duplicated your own questions. And others, such as DUS, take only a moment to Google.
neilmac (asker) Sep 2, 2022:
@phil I think I translated the previous string as "Stock exchange deposit certificate, Chile", or something like that, omitting the "prod." part, as the telegraphic nature of these things is getting my goat. I've been working with this client for over 20 years, and they will eventually get back to me about it, although when is anybody's guess.
neilmac (asker) Sep 2, 2022:
@Wilsonn Sorry, I simply copied and pasted the text from the source, which is in all caps. So, I don't consider that "unnecessary capitalization".
Wilsonn Perez Reyes Sep 2, 2022:
Sin mayúsculas... 1.4 Glossary form must be maintained
Question marks, quote marks, unnecessary capitalization and anything else that would not be found in a dictionary, should not be entered.
Jennifer Levey Sep 2, 2022:
In Chile - at least in contexts I'm vaguely familiar (which don't include the stoc kmarkets, as seems to be implied in the ST) with - 'prenda' refers to goods that cannot be sold or otherwise transferred to a third party without the formal consent of someone (usually a financial institution) who financed the acquisition (similar to a mortgage on real estate property).
See here in relation to motor vehicles:
philgoddard Sep 2, 2022:
I found "prod. Chile" spelled out in full as "de productos de Chile".
"Prenda" probably means security or collateral. I think "garment" is unlikely here.
philgoddard Sep 2, 2022:
The previous item is "Certificado de depósito bolsa prod. Chile". How did you translate that?

Proposed translations

2 hrs

warehouse receipt

Warehouse receipt financing is a form of asset-based lending where the stored (“warehoused”) products are used as collateral, which increases lender confidence in loan recovery. Because producers receive needed cash against the warehouse receipt, which is issued as soon as the goods are delivered, they are no longer forced to sell their farm products immediately upon harvest and can delay sale until prices are more favorable.

A warehouse receipt financing model is based on transferring the risk of the lender from the producer to the warehouse operator who holds the goods for the producer in the capacity of a bailee. When loans are provided against the security of the warehouse receipt issued by the warehouse operator, it becomes a tripartite transaction a contract of pledge.
The basic features of warehouse receipt finance are relatively simple and straightforward as detailed below sequentially.
i. The client deposits a certain amount of goods into a warehouse in exchange for a
warehouse receipt which conveys the right to withdraw a specified amount and quality
of the commodity at any time from the warehouse.
ii. The warehouse receipt can then be transferred to a bank, which provides a loan
equivalent to a certain percentage (Loan To Value) of the value of the stored

But wasn't this asked before?

Bolsa de Productos is the commodities exchange ...
Note from asker:
Funnily enough, your link to the previous query (from 2014) did work, as did the bnamericas link! Apparently, on that occasion I closed it without grading. Reason: Answer found elsewhere. However, now, 8 years later, I'm afraid I don't recall what the answer was at the time, if I really did find one. Thanks for posting the links and explanation, though. I'm now drafting an email to send the client asking for clarification.
Peer comment(s):

agree Adrian MM. : commodity exchange-traded > warehouse receipts treated like bonds and traded on the Chilean Commodity Exchange >
1 hr
Thanks Adrian - your link explains the concept well.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "I like this, although the client says they can't find a definition of it and told me to translate it as "Prenda voucher" or similar, which I'm not very happy about and may or may not do. Thanks to everyone for the comments on this one."
2 hrs

Securities collateral coupon

You need to include the word 'Bolsa', used to designate a stock exchange, for this answer. The reference from PwC below is especially helpful in understanding what is going on here. The 'coupon' involved ensures that the securities collateral will be repurchased by the pledger at the end of the loan period. I believe that "PROD. CHILE" is designating a Chilean stock exchange for domestic stocks.
Note from asker:
That's really helpful, thanks, although I can't get the links to work, perhaps due to the Edge browser, which I really don't like because it defaults to Bing, a search engine I hate. It would be nice to know whether "PROD." is the abbreviation for "PRODUCTO", and what kind of product they are referring to.
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57 mins


Operaciones Warrant
Es el término genérico dado en Chile, a las operaciones de crédito garantizadas con bienes físicos, a través de un instrumento legal llamado ” Certificado de Depósito y Vale de Prenda” que está normado por la Ley sobre Almacenes Generales de Depósito. Es una garantía ágil, simple y rápida en su constitución y operación.

Las garantías Warrants son mas simples que otras garantías y no requieren de una escritura pública para su constitución o liberación.

Note added at 2 hrs (2022-09-02 16:22:43 GMT)

There are two elements to the operation, the Certificado de deposito and the "vale de Prenda" otherwise known as a warrant in both Chile and Argentina:
El warrant es un título de crédito que permite al dueño de una mercadería darla en custodia a una empresa emisora debidamente autorizada, obteniendo a cambio la emisión de un certificado de depósito y warrant.

La empresa de warrants, fue debidamente autorizada por el Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca.

Se emiten dos certificados:

Certificado de Depósito: Que acredita la titularidad de la mercadería

Warrant: Que permite acceder al financiamiento dando en garantía las mercaderías depositadas.

Ambos documentos pueden circular en forma autónoma, debiéndose registrar obligatoriamente el primer endoso en los libros rubricados que deben llevar las empresas autorizadas.

Si el préstamo no fuese cancelado, el acreedor puede solicitar el remate de la mercadería que se halla almacenada en los depósitos custodiados por las empresas emisoras de dichos certificados.

El producido del remate será distribuido, gozando el acreedor de un privilegio superior con respecto a cualquier otro crédito.

Note added at 2 hrs (2022-09-02 16:40:16 GMT)

If only to ensure you get a better answer than you did the last time you asked the same question back in 2014, here is the explanation of the "Bolsa Prod Chile" part:

La Bolsa de Productos Agropecuarios es una Entidad de Infraestructura de Mercado constituida como sociedad anónima abierta especial, que tiene por objeto exclusivo proveer a sus miembros el local y la infraestructura necesaria para realizar eficazmente, las transacciones de productos silvoagropecuarios mediante mecanismos continuos de subasta pública, asegurando la existencia de un mercado equitativo, competitivo y transparente permitiendo mejorar el proceso de canalización de ahorro para inversión hacia el sector silvoagropecuario de Chile.

La Bolsa de Productos, a través de sistemas electrónicos de negociación contacta a las grandes empresas que están en el campo de la producción con inversionistas dispuestos a colocar sus recursos en actividades económicas locales, ampliando sus posibilidades de instrumentos de inversión, reuniendo así al mundo silvoagropecuario con el financiero.

Funciona de manera similar a las bolsas de valores, sólo que los productos que se transan son de naturaleza diferente, por lo que tiene una regulación y reglamentos especiales.

Note added at 2 hrs (2022-09-02 16:50:10 GMT)

BOLSA PROD CHILE is therefore an abbreviation of the name of the commodities exchange

Note added at 8 hrs (2022-09-02 22:25:22 GMT)

Commodity warrant - Oxford Reference › view › authority.20...
A warrant giving the holder the right to receive a fixed amount of a given commodity. Such issues are generally cash settled and are issued either by ...

Commodity Warrant - Open Risk Manual › wiki › Commodity_...
Definition. Commodity Warrant. A derivative based on commodities contracts traded on exchanges. Example. Commodity Warrants Australia (CWA) is a locally

Note added at 8 hrs (2022-09-02 22:28:06 GMT)

and I bet "U(JGO) (juegos o mazos)" means Unit (Set) (Sets or packs), seeing as you didn't ask.

Note added at 22 hrs (2022-09-03 13:08:13 GMT)

Sorry I meant Unit (Games) (sets or packs)
Note from asker:
This is also useful input, so never mind what anyone else says. I am now drafting an e-mail to the client asking for clarification, as there are some other pretty odd strings in this batch (such as: "U(JGO) (juegos o mazos)", as well as a bunch of undefined acronyms, my worst bugbear.
Peer comment(s):

agree philgoddard : Your reference (I assume that's what it is) is clearly relevant, but I don't see how you arrive at "warrant". They use the English word. // OK, I'm persuaded!
13 mins
See added reference. //OK, I'll stop posting refs then!
agree Luis M. Sosa
2 days 23 hrs
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