Sep 18, 2016 12:51
8 yrs ago
Slovak term

špirálové a lichobežníkové vlysy

Slovak to English Law/Patents Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright
Please can you clarify what this phrase means:

Listom úradu zo dňa .... bolo prihlasovateľovi oznámené, že prihlásené označenie predstavuje len jednoduchý tvar fľaše (fľaša kruhového pôdorysu valcového tvaru so zúženým hrdlom, ktorá je približne v strede svojej výšky zúžená, pričom spodná časť fľaše obsahuje nepatrné *špirálové a lichobežníkové vlysy*), bez akýchkoľvek výnimočných prvkov, ktoré by spotrebiteľ pri výbere tovaru postrehol. Navyše, takýto obal výrobku s ohľadom na tovary, pre ktoré je prihlásený, sa bežne vyskytuje na trhu a teda označenie v takejto podobe nemá rozlišovaciu spôsobilosť ...

'Vlysy' - 'friezes' - I would take this to mean 'horizontal bands', except that they can't be horizontal if they're spiral.

'špirálové vlysy' - spiral bands?

'lichobežníkové vlysy' - as I understand it, 'lichobežník' is a quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides ('trapezium' in British English), but I can't really picture what they mean by 'lichobežníkové vlysy'.


Peter Kolarik Sep 19, 2016:
trapezial - could be that the groove or frieze is of a trapezial shape with one side missing, the top one; the groove is clenched in with sides being to the bottom part in more than 90 degrees..
Linguists (asker) Sep 19, 2016:
"Špirálové", judging by the pictures I've seen, refers to a spiral going round the bottle.
I've used 'trapezial' as a provisional translation of 'lichobežníkové', but I still can't really imagine what it means.

Proposed translations

3 hrs

spiral grooves and impressions with trapezial profile (UK)

spiral grooves and impressions with trapezial profile (UK English)
spiral grooves and impressions with trapezoidal profile (US English)
The US and UK definitions of trapezoid and trapezium are swapped over!
I do not call the trapezial impressions 'grooves' because they are so large on the pictures furnished by Jitka. I am still not clear about how the spiral grooves look, but this doubts applies to the Sloval text as well.
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you. I partly used your answer, with the word 'trapezial' (British English), though it still isn't really clear to me what it means. I enclosed 'trapezial' in inverted commas because it seems a rather quirky use of the word."
9 hrs

spiral and trapezoidal friezes

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Reference comments

3 hrs

Pls see...

Note from asker:
Thank you. Judging by the pictures, the grooves (which are only visible at the edges of the bottles) seem to be spiral (slanting, diagonal) and straight (horizontal).
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