Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Serbian term or phrase:
English translation:
Special Force dog handler
Serbian term
3 +1 | Special Force dog handler | milena beba |
5 -1 | Police dog handler, K9 officer | Korana Lasić |
4 -1 | special (police) officer | Natasa Stankovic |
Feb 6, 2021 12:59: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"
Proposed translations
Special Force dog handler
specialist handlers and sniffer dogs are playing a vital role in the fight against terrorism
We have a team of specialist handlers including former and retired police and military dog handlers who…
neutral |
Korana Lasić
: Zašto je 'force' velikim slovom kad se ne radi o nazivu jedinice? Naravno da je specijalac 'special forces operative', ali ovdje se ide sa 'specialist' kako i Vaši primjeri pokazuju.
9 hrs
agree |
: yes, in this case the "dog handler" would be part of a "special unit" so in this text "Специјалац" = member of some "Special Forces"
15 hrs
special (police) officer
Special police
- Croatia
In Croatia, Special Police serve as special operations forces trained primarily for anti-terrorism operations. Unlike many western SWAT teams, Croatian Special Police officers are full-time, professional operators with no secondary duties.
- Former Yugoslavia
The Special Police were a branch of the Regular Police who were used for restoring peace and stability if it had been heavily disturbed, counter-terrorism, countering violent groups, and repressing riots (especially in prisons). The Special Police also provided security and public peace, investigated and prevented organized crime, terrorism and other violent groups; protected state and private property; and helped and assisted civilians and other emergency forces in cases of emergency, natural disasters, civil unrest and armed conflicts.
- FOR THE FIRST TIME everyone is welcome: police SEEKS special officers
- For the first time, citizens of Serbia who are not employed in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Serbia can apply for the competition for the Special Anti-Terrorist Unit (SAJ).
neutral |
Korana Lasić
: Da, ali u pitanju se ne radi o ovom tipu specijalca nego o specijalistu za pse. Ovo što ste navela nema direktne veze sa terminom koji se traži. Osim sto oba zanimanja postoje pri specijalnoj jedinici, pa da li istoj ili dvije različite.
12 hrs
Svi pripadnici specijalne jedinice (SAJ) zovu se specijalci (a ne specijalisti), a ovaj specijalac je na radnom mestu vodiča službenih pasa. On je svakako na neki način i „specijalista“ za pse, ali to po meni nije smisao izvornog teksta.
disagree |
: here it's the whole unit that is "special" - it's a "member of a Special Unit", not really a "special officer"
1 day 15 hrs
Ne razumem šta je tu sporno. To je „special (police) officer“ zato što je pripadnik „Special Unit“ – SAJ. A šta je to SAJ, može se naći čak i na Vikipediji i to na više jezika.
Police dog handler, K9 officer
(North American)
U ovom kontekstu upotrebi naše riječi 'specijalac' odgovora engleska riječ 'specialist'.
Note added at 7 hrs (2021-02-06 20:43:57 GMT)
(North American)
A K9 officer is a specialized law enforcement officer that works closely with trained police dogs.
A specialized officer jeste specialist.
Jedako tako:
(UK and Commonwealth)
If you were to join this section, you’d have a specialist role in which the team is trained to operate in a diverse range of deployments.
Note added at 1 day 6 hrs (2021-02-07 19:53:50 GMT)
Specijalac je naziv za svakog pripadnika neke specijalne jedinice. Specijalist je specijalac koji ima specijalisticki trening kao nadogradnju na trening specijalaca. Tako je u anglofonom svijetu. Izvorni tekst je takav da ne poznaje ove razliku, ali prijevod je namijenjen anglofonoj publici i engleski svakako pravi ovu razliku.
Note added at 2 days 8 hrs (2021-02-08 21:49:36 GMT)
Presita sam ove smijurije koja je KudoZ
A ovo je posljednji primjer da se ne moze izmisljati iz glave nego postoje nacini kako se ovo prevodi, i ovo i sve drugo.
Becoming a K-9 officer is a desirable career opportunity among law enforcement professionals.
A police dog handler has been treated in hospital after going missing while on duty following the deaths of two of his dogs that were left in a car.
neutral |
Natasa Stankovic
: Vaš prevod je OK za „vodič službenih pasa“ (kontekst), ali to se ne traži, već prevod samo za „specijalac“. „Specijalac“ ovde znači da pripada specijalnoj policijskoj jedinici, a ne da je specijalista (EN: specialist) za nešto ili u nečemu.
7 hrs
I radi se o specijalistu za pse pri specijalnoj jedinici. Kaže: Specijalac - vodič pasa i ide tačka. Čita se specijalac (povlaka) pa objašnjene koji. Sam izvorni tekst je problematičan. Specijalac može, ali ne mora bit i specijalist - kao npr. vodič pasa.
disagree |
: in this specific text "Специјалац" = member of some "Special Forces", that also happens to be a "specialist" in dog handling, but the term to translate ("Специјалац") is about being member of some Special unit.
2 days 1 hr
'Special forces' and special before unit shouldn't be capitalised in the middle of the sentence. Your and Milena's poor reading comprehension skills and inability to grasp what 'specijalac-vodic sluzbenih pasa' means are pitiful.
Your second entry is a machine translation of a Serbian webpage. You basically used google translate to support your point. 'Vacancy' is translated as competition...etc If that was done by a human, this human should never translate in the pair again.
Same as there might be police officers that are "specialists" in something else:
Once you have completed your initial training package and successfully completed your 2 year probationary period, you will be eligible to apply for any advertised specialist roles or development opportunities. For example, this could include Road Policing, **Dog Section**, Operational Crime and many more. ..."
BUT this text about a dog handler within a "Special Unit" - some kind of Special Forces.
so Специјалац would be "member of a Special Unit".
the full description of this post could be:
"Member of the Special (anti-terrorist) Unit - specialist dog handler"