Glossary entry

Serbian term or phrase:

K-V kompenzovan

English translation:

normal cardiovascular function (or normal heart and lung function)

Added to glossary by Lirka
Oct 29, 2020 22:18
4 yrs ago
37 viewers *
Serbian term

K-V kompenzovan

Serbian to English Medical Medical (general) Nalaz i mišljenje interniste
Objektivno: svjestan, orjentisan, adipozne OM građe, K-V kompenzovan. Pulmo pooštren disajni šum. Cor: srčana akcija ritmična, tonovi jasni, šum ne čujem. TA: 140/90 mmHg.
Change log

Nov 11, 2020 15:53: Lirka Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

20 hrs

normal cardiovascular function (or normal heart and lung function)

Kardiovaskularno kompenzovan simply means that the pt's lung and heart function are normal.

However, "cardiovascularly compensated" is not idiomatic in English, so I propose the above-.

Don't get confused: "Compensated heart failure" is sth else, and the word compensated in reserved for it.

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
7 mins

cardiovascularly compensated

Mislim da će biti našto manje rezultata na Googleu jer kao da se ovakav pristup koristi uglavnom u kontinentalnoj Europi.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Lirka : You are right that this is the idea, but I gave a neutral b/c this is not idiomatic in English.
20 hrs
e, da, nikako da se javim jer sam izgubio gdje je ovo, ali svakako se slažem da je Vaš odgovor bolji, sve skupa uzevši (ali ima razloga zašto se prevodi i ovako, duga priča). Ja više volim Vašu verziju.
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