Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Serbian term or phrase:
sporedne delatnosti
English translation:
non-core / secondary activities
Added to glossary by
Bogdan Petrovic
Feb 22, 2016 07:14
8 yrs ago
6 viewers *
Serbian term
sporedne delatnosti
Serbian to English
Mathematics & Statistics
Prema CDIS metodlogiji i 2-mesnom nivou klasifikacije, ukupan udeo kulturnih aktivnosti u bruto domaćem proizvodu u 2013. godini iznosio je 4,00%, a u 2014. godini 3,90%. U tom udelu su u 2013. godini sa 30,00% učestvovale centralne kulturne delatnosti, dok su preostalih 70,00% činile sporedne delatnosti. U 2014. godini centralne delatnosti stvarale su 25,64%, a delatnosti podrške/opreme 74,36% učešća kulturnih delatnosti u BDP Srbije.
Ancillary activities?
Ancillary activities?
Proposed translations
4 | non-core / secondary activities | DLyons |
4 | ancillary activities | Vesna Maširević |
UNESCO - CDIS Methodology | Natasa Stankovic |
Proposed translations
2 hrs
non-core / secondary activities
As opposed to core activities "učestvovale centralne kulturne "
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Hvala!"
10 hrs
ancillary activities
The process of identifying principal, secondary and ancillary cultural activities works well when the culture sector is identified in one of the standard classifications and appears in the central framework. However, the process of identification is in reality complex because not all relevant activities and products appear in the central framework of classification (e.g. amateur arts, crafts, design)...
The Canadian cultural concept ... Cultural goods and services in the creative chain are classified on a hierarchical model that distinguishes between core and ancillary goods and services, depending on the primary purpose of the final product.
Core cultural goods and services are those where the entire creative chain is cultural in scope (their primary purpose is the transmission of an aesthetic or intellectual concept), while the purpose of ancillary products and services is to provide an artistic creative service, or an intermediary input, for a final product that is not cultural.
+ An entire philosophy on the subject of distinguishing between principal, secondary and ancillary cultural activities
With my conclusion that the Asker knew the answer :)
The process of identifying principal, secondary and ancillary cultural activities works well when the culture sector is identified in one of the standard classifications and appears in the central framework. However, the process of identification is in reality complex because not all relevant activities and products appear in the central framework of classification (e.g. amateur arts, crafts, design)...
The Canadian cultural concept ... Cultural goods and services in the creative chain are classified on a hierarchical model that distinguishes between core and ancillary goods and services, depending on the primary purpose of the final product.
Core cultural goods and services are those where the entire creative chain is cultural in scope (their primary purpose is the transmission of an aesthetic or intellectual concept), while the purpose of ancillary products and services is to provide an artistic creative service, or an intermediary input, for a final product that is not cultural.
+ An entire philosophy on the subject of distinguishing between principal, secondary and ancillary cultural activities
With my conclusion that the Asker knew the answer :)
Reference comments
13 hrs
UNESCO - CDIS Methodology
Izgleda da ovde terminologija u izvornom tekstu nije dosledno primenjena:
- za 2013. god. date su dve kategorije - centralne delatnosti i sporedne delatnosti, a
- za 2014. god. - centralne delatnosti i delatnosti podrške/opreme.
Čini mi se da bi i za 2013. god. umesto „sporedne delatnosti“ trebalo da piše „delatnosti podrške/opreme“, a ako je tako, onda je to na engleskom „equipment/supporting (cultural) activities”.
Predlažem da ovo proverite sa klijentom.
- The CDIS Economy Dimension focuses on establishments engaged in cultural activities related to central cultural domains (covering establishments such as publishing and broadcasting enterprises, theatre and dance companies, museums, libraries), and equipment and supporting cultural domains (covering establishments such as telecommunications enterprises).
- This indicator assesses the contribution of central and equipment/supporting cultural activities to GDP. It intends to provide insights into the overall contribution of the culture sector to the economy in a given country.
- The Culture for Development Indicators (CDIS) demonstrate the enabling and driving role of culture in sustainable development.
- In 2011, cultural activities contributed to 5.72% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which indicates that culture is responsible for an important part of national production, and that it helps generate income and sustain the livelihoods of its citizens. 32% of this contribution can be attributed to central cultural activities and 68% can be attributed to equipment/supporting activities.
- za 2013. god. date su dve kategorije - centralne delatnosti i sporedne delatnosti, a
- za 2014. god. - centralne delatnosti i delatnosti podrške/opreme.
Čini mi se da bi i za 2013. god. umesto „sporedne delatnosti“ trebalo da piše „delatnosti podrške/opreme“, a ako je tako, onda je to na engleskom „equipment/supporting (cultural) activities”.
Predlažem da ovo proverite sa klijentom.
- The CDIS Economy Dimension focuses on establishments engaged in cultural activities related to central cultural domains (covering establishments such as publishing and broadcasting enterprises, theatre and dance companies, museums, libraries), and equipment and supporting cultural domains (covering establishments such as telecommunications enterprises).
- This indicator assesses the contribution of central and equipment/supporting cultural activities to GDP. It intends to provide insights into the overall contribution of the culture sector to the economy in a given country.
- The Culture for Development Indicators (CDIS) demonstrate the enabling and driving role of culture in sustainable development.
- In 2011, cultural activities contributed to 5.72% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which indicates that culture is responsible for an important part of national production, and that it helps generate income and sustain the livelihoods of its citizens. 32% of this contribution can be attributed to central cultural activities and 68% can be attributed to equipment/supporting activities.
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