Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Serbian term or phrase:
"pravni poslovi koji ne prelaze okvire redovnog poslovanja"
English translation:
to undertake legal actions which do not reach beyond the scope of usual (..) dealings.
Serbian term
"pravni poslovi koji ne prelaze okvire redovnog poslovanja"
"Staralac je duzan da se kao roditelj stara o licnosti sticenika-ce, te da u ime i za racun sticenika-ce obavlja pravne poslove koji ne prelaze okvire redovnog poslovanja.
May 5, 2005 12:09: Ljiljana Malovic changed "Language pair" from "English to Serbian" to "Serbian to English"
Proposed translations
to undertake legal actions which do not reach beyond the scope of usual (..) dealings.
staralac rjesava bankovne poslove za sticenika? pomaze mu pri trazenju i vrsenju poslova?
ne znam kakav je kontekst.
Ovo bi u stvari bio zadatak za Marka Danielsa.
Note added at 19 mins (2005-05-05 12:04:59 GMT)
agree |
Maria Callebaut-Blagojevic
: mozes li da zamenis "usual" sa nekom malo formalnijom recju? Meni ne pada nista na pamet...
5 mins
ej, Marija, jesi li ziva, bas sam danas mislila na tebe, vidim nema te nigdje da se javis na neko pitanje. Stalno iste 'face' Pa hvala (red je i da se zahvalim na komentaru)
legal actions not exceeding regular operating
to carry out legal affairs within the scope of (his/her) regular business activities
Primer upotrebe (
"A Durable Power of Attorney is a legal document conveying authority to an individual to carry out legal affairs on another person’s behalf, in the event that the person granting the power is incapacitated or disabled."
2. Ja bih negativnu konstrukciju u originalu zamenio pozitivnom konstrukcijom u prevodu - dakle: within the scope... umesto: not exceeding the scope, mada - moze i ovo drugo.
3. Redovno poslovanje - regular business activities
Primer upotrebe za 2. i 3. (
"Under the "necessary and integral" test, a hirer of an independent contractor is not a principal employer, and is not secondarily liable for compensation due the independent contractor's employees under Section 11(B)(1), if the work performed by the independent contractor is not within the scope of the hirer's regular business activities."