Glossary entry

Serbian term or phrase:


English translation:

widely circulated

Added to glossary by Bogdan Petrovic
Oct 22, 2012 14:36
12 yrs ago
5 viewers *
Serbian term


Serbian to English Other Journalism Center for animal orphans
Tirаžni dnеvni list „Blic“.


macimovic Oct 29, 2012:
U potpunosti se slažem sa ovim što je Vesna rekla.
Vesna Novakovic Oct 29, 2012:
Možda je to nekima normalno, prosto zbog toga što se tako na nekim mestima govori, ali ostaje činjenica da je to gramatički neispravna rečenica, a obzirom da se bavimo prevođenjem, glasala bih za praksu dobrog prevođenja i upotrebe dobre gramatike. To su pravi jezički užasi. Novina je sama po sebi tiražna stvar. Iskreno, još nisam čula za termin "tiražna knjiga", ali knjiga, kao i novina, mogu da budu "čitana knjiga ili novina" što bi značilo da veliki broj ljudi čita tu knjigu ili novinu. Ostajem pri mišljenju da bi trebalo dodati visoko-tiražni. Kod nas je u vladinim krugovima postalo sasvim normalno da se kaže i "doneta je odluka na vladi" umesto "na sednici vlade", pa eto gde se sada nalazimo. To je stvar negovanja jezičke kulture, a ne podilaženje lošijim rešenjima.
Dusan Miljkovic Oct 29, 2012:
Meni je sasvim normano da kad se kaze 'tirazni list' da se misli na 'visoko-tirazni'
Vesna Novakovic Oct 29, 2012:
Serbian expression "tiražni" to "visoko-tiražni" The linguistic problem at hand is the Serbian word "tiražni" used alongside a newspaper. In Serbian, we have the word "tiraž" which means the circulation of newspapers or any other printed material. The sentence "Tirazni dnevni list" simply makes no sense in the Serbian language, and there has to be a denomination of either "visoko-tiražni" or "malo-tiražni", never "tiražni" standing by itself. I doubt that as such the word tiražni could ever be accepted in the Serbian language.
Daryo Oct 29, 2012:
an interesting "jargon-buster" in UK you'll often hear or read about "ABC figures" for a newspaper, ABC being the trade association that monitors the impact on readership of various media (vital to convince advertisers that you are charging reasonable rates for advertising). The interesting bit here is the "jargon-buster" page [], dealing not only with printed media but also with web-adverts.
About all variants of "circulation": []
Vesna Novakovic Oct 26, 2012:
Takva recenica ili naslov su bez smisla na srpskom, jer je rec o dva pojma. Na engleskom bi moglo da bude the best selling daily, "Blic". Tirazni, ako je u pitanju visoko tirazni, high-circulation ... a daily paper with high circulation, ili kao sto je neko rekao "high selling".
andrijanaa Oct 25, 2012:
a daily circulation ( of a newspaper or a magazine)
PoveyTrans (X) Oct 22, 2012:
the most common expression would be '[one of] the best selling newspapers in Serbia'
Dusan Miljkovic Oct 22, 2012:
Meni zvuci dobro, znaci da se prodaje u dobrom tirazu. Mozda je cak 'high selling' i pravi prevod, bez obzira na to sto je generalno prodaja novina opala, oni ipak prodaju vise od drugih.
PoveyTrans (X) Oct 22, 2012:
Ah, ok, gotcha. Seems to be the same everywhere, the UK guardian is possibly going online only. Anyway - how's about 'the widely circulated Blic newspaper' or to get around your problem a looser translation could be 'one of the higher selling newspapers' so that it's comparative not absolute.
macimovic Oct 22, 2012:
To me, it doesn't sound quite right even in Serbian.
Bogdan Petrovic (asker) Oct 22, 2012:
It means High selling newspaper basically. But since the number of copies sold daily ("tiraž") is poor for every daily newspaper in Serbia, I am reluctant translate it that way. Blic is among the highest selling newspapers in Serbia indeed, but all the newspapers are at the verge of bankruptcy...
PoveyTrans (X) Oct 22, 2012:
Can you give us a bit more context? A circulating newspaper on its own doesn't mean much unless it is qualified such as in the example below (highest circulating newspaper), though this would normally be 'newspaper with the highest circulation'. In the past, all newspapers were in circulation it's a bit of an oxymoron. I wonder if it is used to distinguish it from the online edition?

Proposed translations

2 hrs

widely circulated

if you want to avoid using superlatives as per the comment, you could maybe use this

most references are in the 'most widely circulated...' form but there are some as below where it's used without the superlative

depending on your context, it could read

...Blic, the widely circulated [Serbian] [daily] newspaper,....

Note added at 2 hrs (2012-10-22 17:12:33 GMT)


the widely circulated Blic newspaper
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Hvala! I drugi predlozi su bili adekvatni, odlučio sam se na kraju za ovaj"
6 mins


circulating newspaper

Note added at 7 mins (2012-10-22 14:44:02 GMT)

Primer rečenice: "THE DAILY TELEGRAPH is the most popular and highest circulating newspaper in New South Wales."
Peer comment(s):

neutral Daryo : "circulating" on its own - a "circulating newspaper" - feels unfinished - something is missing. // "highest circulating" is fine!
10 hrs
Thanks, Daryo, I should have put it as "highest circulating", like in the given example. :)
Something went wrong...
10 hrs
Serbian term (edited): tiražni dnеvni list

high circulation daily newspaper

Tirаžni dnеvni list „Blic“.
"Blic", a high circulation daily newspaper, ...

"high-circulation magazine

Among the more effective kinds of publicity that publishers can get for a new book is to have excerpts of it published in a high-circulation magazine soon before the book is published. The benefits of such excerption include not only a sure increase in sales but also a fee paid by the magazine to the book’s publisher...."

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17 hrs


ima ga na netu, od Indije do Australije, mada i ovde:

Hannah Höch's (German, 1889-1978) Cut with a Kitchen Knife through the Last Weimar Beer-Belly Cultural Epoch of Germany (1919-20) shows us a mixture of modernism (lots of machinery and high-tech stuff of the period) and the "New Woman" through images taken from the Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung, a well-circulated newspaper at that time.
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3 days 7 hrs

a daily circulation

a daily circualtion of a newspaper or a magazine
Example sentence:

Copies of the magazine were withdrawn from circulation.

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