Nov 6, 2011 14:23
12 yrs ago
Russian term

на мыло

Russian to English Art/Literary Slang slang
Добрый день! Подскажите, как адекватно перевести выражение "На мыло!"
Речь идёт о возмущенных криках зрителей во время недавней скандальной премьеры: "Режиссёра на мыло!"


Michael Korovkin Nov 7, 2011:
Виталий, them thar metaphors! The "direct" meaning (as you call it) doesn't really matter much. Today my wife said "I am going to kill this useless horse" (he refused to do flying changes...) while everybody, including her, knows how much she adores the guy and how she would never hurt him for all the gold in the world. So, the hyperbolic term "kill" cannot, and should not, be taken seriously. Contrary to what you assert, I think lots of people know what на мыло means: that's what they did with old or damaged horses: sent them to the glue and soap factories (still do, I hate to say...). Of course, nobody seriously thinks to send a socker impire or a play director to be processed into a detergent: the question, I repeat, is not of the meaning per se, but of our ability to pick a mirror-idiom in the target language, so as to produce the same or similar emotional response in the foreign "recepient". Remember? “Гоги, ты любишь помидоры?“ “Кушать - люблю. А так - не очень“.
So it is with "на мыло": one can translate is as anything, from "kill the bugger" to "geddauddahere!". Actually, the latter may be a good idea.
Vitali Stanisheuski Nov 7, 2011:
говоря "на мыло"... Говоря "на мыло", сейчас вряд ли кто-то помнит о прямом значении и вряд ли также высказывает (имеет в виду) что-то больше, чем неодобрение, неприятие. Это далеко от "долой", которое несет более возвышенный оттенок, требование кого-то свергнуть или ликвидировать что-то господствующее. Кого-то на мыло - это значит, что кто-то очень плохой, никуда не годится, мол, фу ему, палец вниз.
margerrit (asker) Nov 6, 2011:
Да-да, среди прочих выкриков было и про мыло, и меня заинтересовало, как это на английском.
rikka Nov 6, 2011:
а, Большой театр...
"Впервые (на памяти нынешних зрителей) зал раскололся на две части: одни бурно аплодировали и кричали "Браво", другие – прямо по ходу действия – скандировали "Позор" и, перекрикивая хор с оркестром, ядовито комментировали происходящее на сцене. Судя по всему, это была не заранее нанятая клака, а искренне возмущенные поклонники традиции. Они орали и свистели, по преимуществу, в первой картине третьего акта (где Людмила, окруженная официантами, массажистами и медсестрами, томится в стерильно-белом дворце Черномора и там же пляшет лезгинку атлетического сложения культурист)...."

Proposed translations

3 hrs

"Time to retire!"

I take it you're talking about an opera production, not a film, right?

For a bad actor, "Get the hook!" could work, but the director is not on stage, so some options might be:

"Time to retire!"
Since everybody knew it was Chernyakov's production, "director/producer" is implicit; in English you wouldn't shout "Time for the director to retire!" though you might yell out his name: "Chernyakov, time to retire!"

"Time for the glue factory!"
That's a bit more pointed, and closer to the origin of the Russian expression, but I think it would be less likely to be shouted out.
Peer comment(s):

agree rikka
1 hr
Thanks, Rikka.
agree Alexander Teplitsky : "Time to retire" is so gentle... It's not bad enough for Russians :-D. But I agree on "Time for the glue factory!" Really close to "на мыло!" I would shout it in appropriate situation.
10 hrs
Thx for commenting. "Time to retire" is not gentle. The "glue factory" is even harsher, but people don't shout it. And they don't shout "trash" as an imperative. "To trash" is more often an observation by C about B's (usually unjust) criticism of A.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thanks!"
11 mins

Down with ....!


Note added at 14 mins (2011-11-06 14:37:59 GMT)

"долой", "на мыло" - смысл един.
Note from asker:
Это скорее "долой!"
но стилистика разная. Выкрик "долой режиссера" звучал бы несколько странно :))
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1 hr

cut the crap

just an idea
different way of saying the same thing - this film is bad (for whatever reasons)...

Note added at 1 hr (2011-11-06 15:33:37 GMT)

Off with his head! Burn him at the stake! Send him to a soap factory! :)
Peer comment(s):

agree Amy Lesiewicz : I like "Off with his head! Burn him at the stake!"
7 mins
thank you, Amy!
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1 hr


I can't imagine moviegoers in America chanting anything agains the director of a film. Americans don't tend to view directors as artists the same way Russians do - unless they're true film buffs. The only exception I can think of is Mel Gibson's recent movie on the Passion of the Christ - the media gave him a lot of attention for directing that film. However, the audience in a movie theater wouldn't chant "Down with the director" or any other variant - they would just yell "booooo!!!" and shout out derogatory things about the movie, not the director (individually- not in unison).

Note added at 1 hr (2011-11-06 16:03:48 GMT)

Oh, I see. Sorry, I assumed that the crowd was chanting because I've heard chants of "судью на мыло" at football games and talent competitions, when the entire audience chanted together... In this case, I agree with rikka's suggestions (except the one about the soap factory). They sound natural and real.
Note from asker:
The shouts were individual, rights. With this opera production, the public's anger was clearly directed against the producer. It was Dmitry Chernyakov and his latest creation, Ruslan and Lyudmila. "Boo" was also heard in the audience.
Peer comment(s):

agree rikka : the expression might go back to football hools chanting "судью на мыло!"
2 mins
Yes, that's immediately what I thought of. We have dozens of things to chant at referees and umpires, but they wouldn't work for a film director at all.
agree Mark Berelekhis
22 mins
agree Oleksiy Markunin
1 hr
agree MariyaN (X)
1 hr
agree Judith Hehir
5 hrs
agree barking knit (X)
10 hrs
agree cyhul
11 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 hrs

ditch the director! / put 'im down!

put the mah...cker down!

That's what I would've been yelling (and, on occasions, yelled!). But then I'm хулиган и воще хорек!
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5 hrs


Не мудрствуя... Может подойдет? Director sucks! По типу "директор - отстой", общеупотребительная такая модель...

Note added at 5 гадзін(ы) (2011-11-06 20:19:27 GMT)

Черт, по-русски не директор, а режиссер, разумеется. Заговорился.
Peer comment(s):

agree Andrew Vdovin
19 hrs
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14 hrs

trash him!

Can't stand not to put my 2 cents. How about "trash him!"?
Am I bad enough?
Example sentence:

Will The Media Trash Him Like They Do Republicans?

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