Glossary entry

Russian term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by SirReaL
May 27, 2004 10:04
20 yrs ago
Russian term


Russian to English Art/Literary Poetry & Literature
Novel circa 1900-1910

"Prokhor vzdrognul, vytarashchil glaza na uzyvchivyi, takoi nepriiatnyi golos.

Proposed translations

16 mins


the bewitching voice that was, in a way, repulsive
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2 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks. "Bewitching" and "alluring" (rather than 'luring' - no such word) both work."
19 mins


I think it's subtle because that person seems to behave him/herself in both a cunning and deliberately sociable manner, which is hard to combine. Normally, uzhivchivyi means only socable and easy to get on with.
Peer comment(s):

disagree SirReaL : Radian, sorry but it's "узывчивый"
9 mins
No problem. Thanks!
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21 mins


I think it's a rare word, I just cannot remember I've ever see it before. I found a couple of reference with Rambler which suggest it should mean "призывный". So maybe "invocatory" or "come-hither" may fit the context. This is just a guess, though...

Note added at 25 mins (2004-05-27 10:29:55 GMT)

Here are some examples of usage I found:

Любит оно, гульливое, как волна, узывчивую даль и ширь полей, и вольные просторы духа - и недаром тот, кто раздвинул мироздание в просторы беспредельные - Коперник, - был славянин.

Малиновый звон манил за сизые дали узывчиво, с жемчужно-белыми сливаясь далекими туманами... Над стройной, белой сельской колокольней, овеянной пухлыми темными липами, белокрылые вились ангелы. Звонили в серебряные колокола.

And from Esenin:

Говорит Господь УЗЫВЧИВО:
«Ай ты, идолище черное,
У какой ты злюки-матери
Титьку-вишенье высасывал?»
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