Jul 3, 2009 18:42
15 yrs ago
Russian term

становища (бедуинов)

Russian to English Art/Literary History
I thought this was an encampment, someplace nomadic bedouins would stop. My author suggests "sanctuary" - thoughts?

Context is a work about missionary activity during the Byzantine period/Empire.

В 542 г. монофиситский патриарх Александрии Феодосий, пребывавший в Константинополе под покровительством императрицы Феодоры, по просьбе гассанидского князя Арефы рукоположил двух епископов для его владений: Якова Барадая и Феодора Аравийского, видимо, араба по происхождению. Феодор подчинялся патриарху Антиохии, но его епархия была «кочевой» – она охватывала hirtha, то есть становища бедуинов.
Change log

Jul 29, 2009 03:35: Mark Berelekhis changed "Field" from "Other" to "Art/Literary"


Eric Candle Jul 4, 2009:
hirtha Deborah, судя по всему 'становище бедуинов' является не совсем верным толкованием термина 'hirtha'. "It is simply a 'military camp', not unlike the Latin 'castra' of the Roman troops...The Ghassanids (гассаниды) were the perfect mobile force, as they contributed cavalry to the Byzantine army. Thus their military mobility was confused with the mobility of nomads." С определённой наnяжкой 'military camp' можно трактовать как 'sanctuary', - зона безопасности для гассанидов
Victor Zagria Jul 4, 2009:
SANCTUARY: wiki headlines http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanctuary
Sanctuary has multiple meanings. A sanctuary is the consecrated area of a church or temple around its tabernacle or altar. An animal sanctuary is a place where animals live and are protected. In modern parlance the term is used to mean a place of safety.
Sanctuary as a sacred place
Right of asylum
Relating to political asylum
Victor Zagria Jul 4, 2009:
migration camps of nowdays Follow the migration with the Lemala Luxury Camp. The camp is in a secluded area in Ndutu between December and March, then moves to Northern Serengeti from ...
Victor Zagria Jul 3, 2009:
couple of references http://search.lonelyplanet.com/listing?N=0&y=1&Ntt=nomad&x=1
Somehow, the Mongols have made a home of it, with scattered nomad camps still dotting the plains, ramshackle villages and the occasional ruined monastery.
Ellen Kraus Jul 3, 2009:
suggests < stopping point > where the Bedouin make a halt to refresh themselves or refill their water reserve.
Ellen Kraus Jul 3, 2009:
IMO the Russian term is not equivalent with a camp or encampment. I found my assumption confirmed in Google entries and Russian Oxford Dict. which suggests <stopping point< , at which Bedouin make a halt to refresh themselves or refill their water reserves,

Proposed translations

5 mins

camp / encampment

Not sure why your author would suggest sanctuary, as everything in both dictionaries (Lingvo) and web (http://books.google.com/books?id=pfwAG3-rpzcC&pg=PA10&lpg=PA... suggests that you're 100% right.
Note from asker:
You reminded me that I read Shahid for terminology when I was first figuring this out.
Peer comment(s):

agree The Misha : A camp is definitely not a sanctuary, nor did these folks ever have any sanctuaries
5 mins
Ever the history buff, hehe... Thanks, Misha.
agree Judith Hehir : Ditto to both Mark and The Misha
12 mins
Many thanks, Judi.
agree Aleksey Chervinskiy : Миша, конечно же, преувеличивает про бедуинов, но то что становища - это не sanctuaries, это точно
53 mins
Many thanks, Aleksey. I'm afraid I wouldn't know either way.
agree Piotrnikitin
22 hrs
Thank you, Piotr.
agree Dmitry Venyavkin
1 day 54 mins
Thank you, Dmitry,
agree Mikhail Korolev
1 day 2 hrs
Thank you, klp.
agree GaryG : no corrections this time, Mark ;-)
1 day 5 hrs
I welcome them when they're due :) Cheers, Gary!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
34 mins

a stopping place

according to Oxford Russian Dict.

Note added at 40 Min. (2009-07-03 19:23:26 GMT)

and in line with www.:
Originally a stopping place in the summer for Bedouin to refresh themselves as it is a natural oasis and to enjoy the cool sea breezes. ...
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4 hrs

military camp (hirtha)

"'Hirtha' is not a movable residential abode, but a military camp.
'Hirtha' is consonant not with Ghassanids (гассаниды) alleged nomadism, but with their function in the military system of Byzantium", -

'Byzantium and the Arabs in the sixth century by Irfan Shahid'
Peer comment(s):

agree Piotrnikitin : nothing military about this word. By analogy становища первобытного человека.
17 hrs
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11 hrs


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1 day 15 hrs

Bedouin tent encampment

Bedouins - are partly nomads, and partly are not.
Their encampments are composed of multiple large tents with the biggest tent belonging to the Sheich - the tribe leader.
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2 mins

nomad camps


Note added at 2 days15 hrs (2009-07-06 10:24:19 GMT)

Nomadic people or nomads (Greek: νομάδες, nomádes, "those who let pasture herds") are communities of people who move from one place to another, rather than settling permanently in one location. There are an estimated 30-40 million nomads in the world.[2] Many cultures have traditionally been nomadic, but traditional nomadic behavior is increasingly rare in industrialized countries. There are three kinds of nomads: hunter-gatherers moving between hunting grounds, pastoral nomads moving between pastures, and "peripatetic nomads" moving between customers.

Nomadic hunter-gatherers have by far the longest-lived subsistence method in human history, following seasonally available wild plants and game. Pastoralists raise herds and move with them so as not to deplete pasture beyond recovery in any one area. Peripatetic nomads are more common in industrialized nations, traveling from one territory to another and offering a trade wherever they go.

Peer comment(s):

agree Aleksey Chervinskiy : or camp sites
56 mins
спасибо. Алексей
agree Olga Makarova
13 hrs
спасибо за поддержку, Ольга!
agree Vladimir Dubisskiy : bedouin camps http://www.redsea-rangers.com/bedouins-lifestyle/
2 days 6 hrs
спасибо за ссылку и поправку
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