Glossary entry

Russian term or phrase:

по восьми румбам

English translation:

by 8 points of the compass

Added to glossary by Alexander Alexandrov
Aug 6, 2003 18:46
21 yrs ago
Russian term

по восьми румбам

Russian to English Science Environment & Ecology ecology
Для контроля санитарного состояния почвы в зоне влияния промышленного источника загрязнения пробные площадки закладывают на площади, равной 3-х кратной величине санитарно-защитной зоны по 8-и румбам
Proposed translations (English)
4 +1 8 points of the compass
5 in eight bearings
5 along the eight rhumb lines
4 Some info:

Proposed translations

14 mins

8 points of the compass

By 8 chief points of the compass

Note added at 2003-08-06 19:04:35 (GMT)

главный румб cardinal point of the compass
компасный румб point
компасный румб point of the compass
\"на два румба вправо!\" \"right two points!\" (команда рулевому)

распределение по румбам повторяемости и силы метелевых ветров

diagram constructed to show the frequency of snow-drifting winds from the eight chief points of the compass, and the respective force of each

румб отсчитывается к востоку или западу от северного или южного конца меридиана bearing of a line is read east or west of the north or south end of the meridian
румб отсчитывается к востоку или западу от северного или южного конца меридиана the bearing of a line is read east or west of the north or south end of the meridian
румб - это угол, составленный линией с меридианом bearing of a line is the angle it makes with the meridian
румб - это угол, составленный линией с меридианом the bearing of a line is the angle it makes with the meridian
\"свет полтора румба справа по носу!\" \"light a point and a half on starboard bow!\" (команда рулевому)
четвертной румб quadrantal point of the compass

Note added at 2003-08-06 19:09:22 (GMT)

Nagarjuna\'s Twelve Gate Treatise | Показать найденные слова
5 Shih-fang, referring to the eight points of the compass, the nadir and the \' zenith.
Ten directions, referring to the eight points of the compass, the nadir and the zenith.

METAR and SPECI decoding | Показать найденные слова
Direction of minimum visibility given by eight-point compass. - 16К - строгое соответствие
Похожие документы | Еще с сервера не менее 1 док.

War Ensign (Singapore) | Показать найденные слова
5 (white) | crescent: points to fly (white) | compass rose | canton (red)
... is white with a red canton with a white crescent and stars, crescent pointing to fly, and an eight-pointed red cardinal points device in the fly. - 8К - 11.12.2002 -

Нассау : Багамы : Гостиница COMPASS POINT HOTEL . 1-ая Всемирная система ... | Показать найденные слова
Hailed As \"a Work Of Art\" By Travel Weekly, Compass Point Is A Collection Of Octagonal Huts And Cottages Brightly Painted In Kid\'s-Crayon-Box Colors ...
Opposite The Hotel Is The Renowned Compass Point Recording Studio, Which As Hosted The Likes Of The Rolling Stones, Robert Palmer, Bob Marley And ... - 5К - строгое соответствие
Похожие документы | Еще с сервера не менее 2 док. Tk Option Data Types | Показать найденные слова
Legal values are points of the compass: \"n\", \"ne\", \"e\", \"se\", \"s\", \"sw\", \"w\", \"nw\", and also \"center\".
There are eight built-in, named bitmaps: \'error\', \'gray25\', \'gray50\', \'hourglass\', \'info\', \'questhead\', \'question\', \'warning\'. - 7К -

Legal values are points of the compass: \"n\", \"ne\", \"e\", \"se\", \"s\", \"sw\", \"w\", \"nw\", and also \"center\".
There are eight built-in, named bitmaps: \'error\', \'gray25\', \'gray50\', \'hourglass\', \'info\', \'questhead\', \'question\', \'warning\'. -

The Scout Association: Badge Requirements | Показать найденные слова
Know at least eight map symbols and be able to find them on an Ordnance Survey map.
Know the eight points of the compass and use them to take part in a game.

They are the names of the eight points of the compass and CENTER, for example, GridBagConstraints.NORTHEAST and GridBagConstraints.SOUTHWEST. The ...


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agree Malgorzata Kozarzewska
1 hr
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
12 mins
Russian term (edited): �� ����� ������

in eight bearings

север, северо-восток, восток, юго-восток...
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25 mins

Some info:

Compass point
От греч.Rhombos - юла, волчок, круговое движение
Румб - направление к точкам видимого горизонта относительно стран света или угол между двумя такими направлениями.
Румб - в геодезии - угол между меридианом и данным направлением, отсчитываемый от меридиана в обе стороны от 0 до 90 градусов.
Румб - в морской навигации - мера угла окружности горизонта, разделенного на 32 румба (в метеорологии на 16).
Румб - в метеорологии - мера угла окружности горизонта, разделенного на 16 румбов.
Четыре главных румба - четыре стороны света: Север, Восток, Юг, Запад. Для промежуточных направлений используются комбинации главных направлений: северо-восток (СВ), юго-восток (ЮВ), юго-запад (ЮЗ) и северо-запад (СЗ). Между севером и северо-востоком вводится дополнительное направление северо-северо-восток (ССВ), между северо-востоком и востоком - востоко-северо-восток (ВСВ) и т.д.
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2 hrs

along the eight rhumb lines

eight primary winds (directions), eight rhumb wind rose (compass rose)

... a network of lines, that forms a grid for the map. The circle is divided into sixteen equal parts, each joined to others through the center point on the opposite side. The lines are called "rhumb lines" or simply "rhumbs."

The rhumbs for the eight primary winds (or directions) are drawn in black (or sometimes gold) ink; the eight half-winds are in green; the sixteen quarter winds in red.

Early Mediterranean navigators used directions based on the prevailing winds. They divided these up into eight equally spaced directions. They were called “rhumbs” and were marked on these early charts to aid navigators to steer before the winds. When the compass came into use, the eight rhumb wind rose was painted on the card. This was expanded to 32 points in later years. The rhumb lines were used on charts for years.
By 1800 most of the world had been discovered and charted to some degree. Rhumb lines were being replaced by a modern compass rose. musm/Nav3.html

On a run, boats can choose to sail straight to the mark along the rhumb line, or to jibe back and forth taking advantage of windshifts and puffs to keep the boat moving fast.

... suggests sailing on a rhumb line between Gabo Island and Tasman Island or just to its west.

... but later in the afternoon what wind there was dropped off and we turned onto our rhumb line course for Opua.
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