This question was closed without grading. Reason: No acceptable answer
Dec 13, 2006 10:09
17 yrs ago
Russian term

горный лук

Russian to English Other Cooking / Culinary
Are these leeks?
Proposed translations (English)
3 +3 Allium suvorovii
4 +2 wild onion
5 Chives
3 ramp / wild mountain leek

Proposed translations

40 mins

ramp / wild mountain leek

on a spring festival, in honor of Allium tricoccum, the ramp, the wild mountain leek.

the ramp, a kind of wild mountain leek with a pungent flavor that's prized throughout the Appalachians

Saturday and Sunday, get your fill of ramps, a wild mountain leek, along with fried potatoes and other complementary fixins, at the annual Ramp Festival in ... - 13k
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8 mins

Allium suvorovii

Если не ошибаюсь, иначе называется Лук Суворова: Allium suvorovii

Note added at 10 mins (2006-12-13 10:19:32 GMT)

А вот еще интересненькое о луках:
Местные жители, узбеки и таджики, называли горный лук - анзур. Со временем слово стало привычным и: официально прижилось. Однако, анзур - это не один конкретный вид лука, а целая группа видов, сходных по биолого-морфологическим признакам растений. Наиболее распространенными из них являются - Лук высочайший (Allium altissimum Regel), Лук стебельчатый (Allium. stipitatum Rgl.), Лук Суворова (Allium suvorovii Rgl.), Лук гигантский (Allium gigantheum Rgl.), Лук афлатунский (Allium aflatunense B. Fedtsch.). Впервые эти луки были описаны Э.Л.Регелем в монографии по систематике видов рода Allium L. (1876 г.).

Note added at 41 mins (2006-12-13 10:50:15 GMT)

Лук Регеля :

ALLIUM SUWOROWI, t. 6994, a tall, handsome species from
central Asia, where it was discovered by Dr. Albert Regel on the
Kirghis desert and near Bokhara. The tall, stout scape springing from a basal rosette of glaucous-green leaves, bears a
large, lohg handsome, dense umbel of dark mauve-colored
Note from asker:
Thank you, but I need this term for a translation of a cookbook, something an average US housewife will understand.
Peer comment(s):

agree Vanda Nissen
4 mins
Thanks, Vanda!
agree abc def (X) : Только suworowi -> или
16 mins
Спасибо! Согласен!
agree Nikolay Kuzmin : may be "wild onion (Allium suvorovii Rgl.)" - i.e. common name followed by latin
2 hrs
neutral Sophia Hundt (X) : this is called "chives", no?
16 hrs
might be!
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4 hrs

wild onion

I guess the wild onion generally is the closest meaning to горный лук, something an average US housewife can understand and google on the web.

Tt fits only generaly, still it helps to avoid perplexing Latin in a cookbook.
Peer comment(s):

agree Mylord
2 hrs
Thank you.
agree Christina Keating (X)
7 hrs
Thank you.
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16 hrs


I think it's chives - I just looked up "gornyj luk" and I found the picture of a plant which in US is called chives (the one with purple flowers, looks a bit like clover), in my back yard, for that matter. Ramps, on the opposite, is distinctly pink.
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