Jul 13, 2022 16:36
2 yrs ago
20 viewers *
Russian term

концессуанальный коучинг

Russian to English Other Business/Commerce (general) SOP (standard operating procedures)
I am translating an article about SOPs from Russian to English. I cannot find the word концессуанальный in Russian; it appears that such a word does not exist.

Here is the context:

Это стало площадкой для концессуанального коучинга который направлен на объединение команд и повышения командной производительности и естественной синхронности.

I would really appreciate any help and suggestions!

Best regards,

Proposed translations

7 mins

Concession coaching

Concession coaching 45 mins 2.90 3.85
Concession coaching 1 hour 3.50 4.65
Something went wrong...
23 mins

consensus building coaching

What is Consensus?
Consensus Decision-Making is a process for groups to generate widespread agreement in a way that respects the contributions of all participants. This public service website seeks to provide free, in-depth education on the topic. There are many variations in the ways groups use consensus. These differences are expressed in the articles and other resources on this website. The following unifying principles, however, form a common basis for all consensus processes.

https://www.consensusdecisionmaking.org/#:~:text=Consensus D...
Building Consensus
Consensus means coming to an agreement. Creating consensus in a team setting means finding a proposal acceptable enough that all team members can support it, with no member opposing it. Consensus includes:

pooling opinions;
listening effectively;
discussing ideas and differences;
not getting all you want; and
coming to an agreement that everyone "can live with."
Consensus is not:

a unanimous vote;
majority or minority rule;
one person rule; or

Consensus Building Coaching
Optimizing organization and individual performance requires unique skills to settle differences, resolve issues, and create solutions for a broad spectrum of situations.

Note added at 25 mins (2022-07-13 17:01:29 GMT)

Консенсуальный договор (от лат. consensus — согласие) — гражданско-правовой договор, который признаётся заключенным с момента согласования существенных условий сторонами. Большинство гражданско-правовых договоров относится к консенсуальным (например, договор купли-продажи, договор найма, договор поставки и др.). Консенсуальный договор не требует каких-либо условий по оформлению и выполнению, кроме как обоюдное согласие сторон на его заключение.

Peer comment(s):

neutral DTSM : It's 'конЦЕССуанальный' not 'конСЕНСуальный'.
4 days
Thank you, DTSM. I assumed it was a spelling mistake since "concession coaching" makes no sense to me in the context of SOP.
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