May 9, 2005 15:27
19 yrs ago
Russian term

парный эквилибр на тростях

Russian to English Art/Literary Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting circus act
From the terms of employment of a circus performer (artiste).

Do you know the correct name of this circus act? парный - does this mean there are two performers? If so, perhaps it should be called a double-act, but I'm not sure.
Also, I'm not sure what sort of трости these are.
Change log

May 9, 2005 19:20: danya changed "Field" from "Law/Patents" to "Art/Literary" , "Field (specific)" from "Law: Contract(s)" to "Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting"


Vladimir Dubisskiy May 10, 2005:
I am pretty sure the suggested picture at is correct (and i have some experience-administartive though-in the field :-))), though can hardly confirm the English rendering suggested.
Vladimir Dubisskiy May 10, 2005:
��-������, �� ��� �� ������� ����� ��� "������� �� ����" - ��� ������ �������� ����� - ���� ������ � (�� ����). � ������ (���� � �����) ������� ���� �� ������. �� ��� ��� �� "�����".

Proposed translations

29 mins
Russian term (edited): ����� �������� �� �����

pair balancing on sticks

Peer comment(s):

agree alex11 : even though, I am not sure, but at least it sounds very close to the meaning
45 mins
Thank you.
agree Vladimir Lioukaikine (X) : I think it's called "hand balancing on canes", normally performed solo, but could be duo as in our case. Here's a small picture + Here's a solo one
55 mins
Thank you, but I guess, your option worth separate answer. I'll agree with it.
agree Paulina Ivanova (X) : agree "with hand balancing on canes"
4 hrs
agree Alexander Demyanov : w/Vladimir: balancing on canes duo
6 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you very much! This made sense straight away. There may be some variations in the terminology - stick, perch - but I found some good references for "balancing on canes". "
27 mins
Russian term (edited): ����� �������� �� �����

tightrope walker

I am guessing, obviously. I thought tightrope walker because of the "на тростях". I suppose the job description could be "Member of a Highwire act".

Note added at 33 mins (2005-05-09 16:00:37 GMT)

***Member of a Highwire Act***

0n the high wire, several performers usually combine their talents to build pyramids on the wire or complete other tricks involving two or more performers.

Wire Acts
There are three types of wire acts: the high wire, the tightwire or tightrope and the slack wire or slack rope. There are considerable differences between the high wire and the other two wire acts. Slack wire and tightrope artists may be considered the low wire acts since the performers work on thin wires, usually less than half an inch in width, rigged 6-15 feet above the ground between two triangular standards or small pedestal boards. High wire walkers perform on a thick cable, usually an inch or more in diameter, that is usually rigged between two pedestals mounted on large poles 20 or more feet in height. While high wire artists may have a net or safety lines, these safety features are not used for tightrope or slack wire. A slack wire or tightrope artist can usually jump to the ground from his wire if he finds himself falling while a high wire artist must be able to catch on to the wire or fall safely into the net while avoiding any falling equipment. Slack wire and tightrope are basically one-man acts. Juggling is a feature of the low wire acts since the performers don\'t have to use their hands to hold the large balance poles used on high wire.
Peer comment(s):

neutral nrabate : sorry to be neutral but it is "stilts" and not "tightrope," IMHO
1 hr
No need to apologize. This was a guess : ) I'd be delighted to find out exactly what it is...I think you're answer is pretty close.
Something went wrong...
1 hr
Russian term (edited): ����� �������� �� �����

stiltwalking duo

Foobar Theatre Company,a touring show from Aurora's Carnival.... Foobar Theatre is an energetic and imaginative circus/theatre Company . ... Stretched Elvis (stiltwalking duo) – The king of rock’n’roll always gets a ... - 18k - Cached - Similar pages

Note added at 1 hr 55 mins (2005-05-09 17:23:02 GMT)

paired stiltwalking act

Note added at 1 hr 59 mins (2005-05-09 17:27:19 GMT)

Добавлено: 11 Фев 2005 Пт 11:29 Заголовок сообщения: Цирк


В цирке существует множество номеров и жанров: жонгляж, Эквилибристика, каучук, дрессура, воздушная гимнастика (ремни, бамбук, трапеция, кольцо, корд-де-парель, штамберт и т. д.), антипод, клоунада, джигитовка, музыкальные эксцентрики, дьяболо, силовые номера, хала-хупы, хлысты и многое другое. Мне больше всего нравится эквилибристика, это жанр, в основе которого демонстрация искусства сохранения равновесия в различных условиях, усложненных применением специального реквизита и снарядов. Есть эквилибр на проволоке, на катушках, на стульях, но больше нравится , когда эквилибр выполняется на тростях.

Peer comment(s):

agree Robert Donahue (X) : Sounds convincing
7 mins
neutral Vladimir Lioukaikine (X) : Это у Вас про акробатов на ходулях. Ходули и трости - вещи разные.
1 hr
Something went wrong...
3 hrs
Russian term (edited): парный эквилибр

double-act perche acrobatics

Maybe this would be the one? Could not find similar picture with some Russian description.

The creme de la creme of Russian creativity. Alexei Saratch,
the vision full chief of the troop, invented variations on the
Perche artistic, like never seen before. As where the manиge
free of gravitation, nine exceptional artists climb, balance and
swing in a breathtaking high on meter high poles. Unbelievable
original tricks have names like "two falling couples" or "swinging
rope between couples".
Something went wrong...
10 hrs
Russian term (edited): ����� �������� �� �����


меня есть толковый словарик цирковых терминов, созданный в свое время (1982 г.) работниками цирка (Советского). Я попробую его завести на сайт.
Может, поможет:
Про "трости" эти там нчего нет. но про перш:

ПЕРШ (франц. perche; англ. persh - шест, жердь). Снаряд для эквилибристики - длинная дюралюминиевая труба с различными приспособлениями и устройствами, балансируемая артистом на лбу, на плечах, на поясном упоре, в зубнике. На вершине перша партнер (партнеры) выполняют упражнения.

Note added at 10 hrs 33 mins (2005-05-10 02:01:32 GMT)

In English it\'s \"perch\" - жердь, шест.
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