Romanian term
plafon nori
4 -1 | cloud bank | APOSTOL IRINA SILVIOARA |
3 +2 | cloud cover | Ioana Costache |
Apr 28, 2016 11:26: Ioana Costache changed "Language pair" from "English to Romanian" to "Romanian to English"
Proposed translations
cloud bank
Over Pyramid Lake he was able to travel under the cloud bank by flying at an altitude of only 100 feet, Compton said. PILOT, 62, THANKS RESCUERS : CRASH SURVIVOR MEETS OFFICERS WHO FOUND HIM
neutral |
Liviu-Lee Roth
: ?????
2 days 16 hrs
disagree |
Peter Shortall
: Corect era base/ceiling, e vorba de înălțimea bazei norilor deasupra suprafeței solului. Vezi și
3 days 21 hrs
cloud cover
Parameter:Cloud cover (low,middle,high,total)
Description: Clouds are vertically divided into three levels: low, middle, and high. Each level is defined by the range of levels at which each type of clouds typically appears.
agree |
Liviu-Lee Roth
: în US îi zicem ”overcast”. se pare că ”acolo sus, cineva te iubește” - plouă de 2 zile, e frig și cerul acoperit de nori. !!!! :(((((
5 hrs
Să fie la voi acolo :)))) Sorry, altă dată nu mai zic :)
agree |
8 hrs
"Cloud base" era răspunsul corect.