Jan 29 16:19
10 mos ago
20 viewers *
Romanian term

a introduce în țară fără drept

Romanian to English Law/Patents Law (general)
În actul de sesizare s-a reținut că X a introdus în țară, fără drept, ...marfa X, care îi aparține și pe care a trimis-o printr-o firmă de curierat, fără să o declare autorităților vamale.

smuggled into the country?


Mara Cojocaru (asker) Jan 30:
Mulțumesc, Iuliana.
Iuliana Guillot Jan 29:
Tot smuggle e primul cuvant care imi vine si mie in minte, nu stiu daca e suficient de formal, dar vad ca este cel mai utilizat in engleza. Ca o alternativa, pur si simplu bring X goods illegally into the country.

Proposed translations

5 hrs

to import unlawfully / illegally (goods unauthoris/zed) into the country

to start the ball rolling for real Romanian translators...

Smuggle is also usable, though 'sneak' (goods / a motor vehicle)into the country is a colloquial turn of phrase that first occur(r)ed to me,as far as I could make sense of the Romanian.

Difference between unlawfully and illegally: the former IMO - apart from unlawful killing by driving - can be a civil offence in tort e.g. where the paperwork isn't quite right, whereas the latter is usually criminal.
Example sentence:

What is the value of the cultural goods that are imported illegally (in)to the EU?

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