Glossary entry

Romanian term or phrase:

disjungerea cererii reconvenţionale

English translation:

orders/directs a separate trial of the counterclaim

Added to glossary by Lara Barnett
Apr 13, 2022 11:29
2 yrs ago
17 viewers *
Romanian term

disjungerea cererii reconvenţionale

Romanian to English Law/Patents Law (general) Divorce judgement
The respondent has submitted a counterclaim to the applicant's divorce claim. I am not sure precisely what is meant with the use of "disjungerea" in this context....?

Întrucât cererea reconvenţfonală are ca obiect partajarea bunurilor comune după desfacerea căsătoriei, având în vedere condiţiile în care se poate dispune partajul conform art. 36 C.fam., instanţa dispune disjungerea cererii reconvenţionale şi in vederea judecării acesteia stabileşte termen de judecată la data de xxxx.

Proposed translations

16 mins

orders/directs a separate trial of the counterclaim

It means splitting the counterclaim into a separate set of proceedings so that it can be decided separately from the divorce application. Here's an example from the Civil Procedure Rules applicable in England and Wales:

Except where these Rules provide otherwise, the court may (...)

(i) direct a separate trial of any issue;

Contained within the Court’s general powers of management, in Part 3 of the Civil Procedure Rules (“CPR”), is the power to direct a separate trial of any issue (CPR 3.1(i)). Consideration of a split trial features throughout the CPR rules and accompanying practice directions, including CPR Parts 26, 28 and 29.

And here's an explanation from the Romanian Code of Civil Procedure. As it explains, it means splitting a matter into a separate set of proceedings.

Disjungerea cererii reconvenţionale

(1) Cererea reconvenţională se judecă odată cu cererea principală.

(2) Dacă numai cererea principală este în stare de a fi judecată, instanţa poate dispune judecarea separată a cererii reconvenţionale. Cu toate acestea, disjungerea nu poate fi dispusă în cazurile anume prevăzute de lege sau dacă judecarea ambelor cereri se impune pentru soluţionarea unitară a procesului.
Note from asker:
Thank you
Peer comment(s):

agree Adrian MM. : it's also called a split trial
48 mins
Thanks, Adrian!
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