Glossary entry

Portuguese term or phrase:

Tipo de coeficiente de localização

English translation:

type of location coefficient

    The asker opted for community grading. The question was closed on 2019-08-01 19:54:08 based on peer agreement (or, if there were too few peer comments, asker preference.)
Jul 28, 2019 23:27
5 yrs ago
11 viewers *
Portuguese term

Tipo de coeficiente de localização

Portuguese to English Law/Patents Real Estate Legal matter on property of divorced couple
I'm mainly having trouble with the "localização" part, which seems to relate to either ownership or (rental?) profit/income but not entirely sure. This is under the Details of the Real Estate Survey (with a formula containing the variables determining the "valor patrimonial tributário" [proportional equity value?]) in Portugal. As "habitação" is followed by "Tipo de coeficiente de localização", I'm not convinced that "tipo" means rate in this case, so for the moment I'm rendering the whole phrase as Type applied for profit coefficient: Housing", but something is not clicking right overall. Here is some context:

Ano de inscrição na matriz: 1984 Valor patrimonial actual (CIMI): €XXX Determinado no ano: 2018
Tipo de coeficiente de localização: Habitação Coordenada X: XXXX Coordenada Y: YYYY"

Formula that appears:
Vt* = Vc x A x Ca x Cl x Cq x Cv
[*Variables explained*:
Vt = valor patrimonial tributário; Vc = valor base dos prédios edificados; A = área bruta de construção mais a área excedente à área de implantação; Ca = coeficiente de afectação; Cl = coeficiente de localização; Cq = coeficiente de qualidade e conforto; Cv = coeficiente de vetustez (...)]
Proposed translations (English)
4 +3 type of location coefficient

Proposed translations

1 hr

type of location coefficient

You'll have to go literal here......perhaps this website will give you some light:

We remind that a request for a new assessment of your property to the AT is an optional choice. You can always ask for a new assessment every three years. Considering the new rules, everyone who owns a property must take into account essentially three factors:

1. the ageing coefficient, which focus on the age of the property (in principle, properties lose value as time passes; so there is a possibility for your IMI to decrease if you ask for a new assessment, something you can do every three years);

2. the location coefficient (which was revised in 2015, may influence your taxable property value, depending on the location of your house);

3. the quality and comfort coefficient (which in light of the new rules, it is important to consider its factor of "location and relative operability").
Peer comment(s):

agree Ana Vozone
6 hrs
Obrigado, Ana :)
agree Mark Robertson : Or "location coefficient type", which has more hits and ranks 5 to zero!
21 hrs
Thank you Mark :)
agree ulissescarvalho
1 day 9 hrs
Obrigado, Ulisses :)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks a lot Guilmar. That pageindeed was enlightening."
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