This question was closed without grading. Reason: No acceptable answer
Apr 25, 2012 20:40
12 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Portuguese term

e projeto

Portuguese to English Other Geography Urban planning
I am translating the report of a meeting at which SWOT analysis was used to plan the future work of the committee that oversees planning for the Rio de Janeiro metropolitan region. I can't figure out whether "e projeto" should be plural, or if it means something that I don't understand.

Em um terceiro momento, então, a fim de mapear as condições de atuação internas e externas de atuação do Comitê, foi apresentada ao grupo a seguinte questão:

Considerando o “Estado da Arte” e visando dar conta do objetivo e atribuições para o qual o Comitê foi criado, quais as condições internas e externas de atuação do Comitê hoje, referentes a planejamento, governança **e projeto**?
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Non-PRO (1): Denise Leitao

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An easy question is one that any bilingual person would be able to answer correctly. (Or in the case of monolingual questions, an easy question is one that any native speaker of the language would be able to answer correctly.)

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Proposed translations

6 mins

and project

I think it's as simple as that
Something went wrong...
8 mins

and design

In my opinion, it is just an item in the list (planning, governance and design).

Dicionário Eletrônico Houaiss

5 Rubrica: arq
plano geral para a construção de qualquer obra, com plantas, cálculos, descrições, orçamento etc.
Ex.: o p. de um estádio de futebol


Merriam-Webster Collegiate® Dictionary

Function: noun
Date: 1569
4 : a preliminary sketch or outline showing the main features of something to be executed <the design for the new stadium>
Peer comment(s):

agree Daniel Tavares
16 hrs
agree T o b i a s
1 day 1 hr
Something went wrong...
8 mins

and design

Peer comment(s):

agree Daniel Tavares
16 hrs
Thank you Daniel
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Reference comments

1 day 1 hr

planning, governance and design

Henk Ovink is Vice Director General and Director of National Spatial Planning for the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment. He is responsible for the development of the new Dutch Spatial Planning Policy, the Architecture Policy on Architecture and Spatial Design, the new Spatial Planning Act, several long-term plans and studies including the Randstad 2040 Structural Vision and the Dutch spatial Olympic Strategy and furthermore for the R&D agenda on Spatial Planning,
two academic chairs at the University of Utrecht and the TU Delft and different research projects on sustainability, spatial planning, governance and design.
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