ProZ/TV Spotlight: International Translation Day Preview 2023

As we gear up for this year's International Translation Day, we're excited to offer a special preview series by broadcasting some of the standout presentations from last year's TV event!

Tune in to our broadcast sessions to revisit some of the most insightful and impactful moments from last year. Remember, these are recordings from the previous event, so there won’t be a live Q&A, but we’ll be sharing a sneak peek of what’s in store for this year’s event—stay tuned until the end to catch it!

Register now for this year’s ProZ/TV International Translation Day 2024 – a three-day event filled with live presentations, Q&A sessions, workshops, and networking opportunities.

Register now»

This question was closed without grading. Reason: Answer found elsewhere
May 4, 2017 08:23
7 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Polish term


Polish to English Other Philosophy
"W związku z przeprowadzoną przez Edwarda Husserla krytyką podmiotu transcendentalnego, Derrida stwierdza, że obecność jest wtórna wobec ruchu różni (fr. différance). Owa wymyślona przez niego figura oznacza jednoczesne odróżnienie i odsunięcie jednego, potencjalnego sposobu uobecnienia od innych".


Anna Moroz-Darska (asker) Jun 1, 2017:
Autor tekstu ostatecznie zdecydował, że w tym konkretnym kontekście termin "uobecnienie" zastąpimy terminem "obecność". Bardzo dziękuję wszystkim Podpowiadaczom :)
It would be good to have a "smoking gun."
mike23 May 5, 2017:
Well, I see my term in there. Haven't seen yours, but it doesn't mean anything as I am no expert on the matter.
@Michał: Do the links you have kindly provided settle the issue?
mike23 May 4, 2017:
visualization/representation/expression (author Frank MacroJanus)

Proposed translations

5 mins

representation / being represented

representation / being represented

Note added at 7 mins (2017-05-04 08:30:05 GMT)

Option 2: making present

Note added at 11 mins (2017-05-04 08:34:30 GMT)
-------------------------------------------------- representation
Note from asker:
Bardzo dziękuję :)
Peer comment(s):

agree Frank Szmulowicz, Ph. D.
2 hrs
Dziękuję Frank. Pozdrawiam
Something went wrong...
2 hrs


Inna opcja z tłumaczenia niemieckiego słowa vergegenwärtigung

czyli jako uobecnienie (vergegenwärtigung lub Repräsentation) niepochodne

The manifest actualization occurs once the self returns to itself from its externalization. This so-called return is not a return to a new configuration of immediacy.
uobecnić — uobecniać
1. «wyraźnie coś komuś pokazać, wykazać coś w sposób oczywisty»
2. «dać czemuś wyraz»
uobecnić się — uobecniać się «stać się obecnym, pokazać się w sposób oczywisty»
Note from asker:
Dziękuję pięknie :)
Peer comment(s):

agree mike23
2 hrs
Thank you, Michal. Seize the day!
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1 day 5 hrs


Another translation of the German Vergegenwärtigung
I think this concers the difference between
obecność = presence
uobecnienie =presentification (making something present)
distinction between immediate presentation and mediated presentification.

or representative re-production, also translated as presentification.

type of act-intentionality, called 'presentification' (Vergegenwärtigung),
In contrast, when I experience you, you are given to me in a Vergegenwärtigung. There is no precise English word that is equivalent to the German “Vergegenwärtigung.” It is usually translated into English with the neologism <b“presentification,” but the prefix “Ver-” clearly indicates a> kind of duplicity, as in the “re-” of “representation” which is also a
possible English translation of “Vergegenwärtigung.”

Note added at 1 day5 hrs (2017-05-05 14:15:53 GMT)


Spróbuję teraz w pięciu kolejnych etapach zbadać podwójną zależność pomiędzy poezją a uobecnieniem („presentification”) oraz między uobecnieniem a konkretną formą i centralnym statusem uwagi.
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Reference comments

3 hrs

Derrida’s critique of Husserl and the philosophy of presence

The theme of difference appears in many forms throughout Derrida’s extensive critique of Husserl. He argues that Husserl was too inattentive to the constitutive value of difference, i.e., of spatial, temporal, personal, and logical nonidentity. Most pointedly, Derrida focuses on the problems raised by difference with regard to Husserl’s distinction between inner and outer – transcendental and empirical – as well as the role of repetition and representation in the constitution of linguistic and ideal objectivities, and perhaps most tellingly, the problems raised by difference in Husserl’s under- standing of temporality. Derrida goes on to discuss the concept of difference as it relates to the ar- eas of semiotics, epistemology, and ontology, among others. Each of these uses finds its origin in the more primordial movement of what Derrida terms “differance” (with an a). Derrida derives this neologism from the French “différence.” As in the Latin “differre,” the French “différer” bears two quite distinct significations. One has a reference to spatiality, as the English “to differ” – to be at variance, to be unlike, apart, dissimilar, distinct in nature or quality from something. This is even more evident in its cognate form, “to differentiate.” The other signification has a reference to tem- porality, as in the English “to defer” – to put off action to a future time, to delay or postpone. While Derrida briefly explains this term in the first paragraph of Chapter 7 of Speech and Phenomena, he devotes an article of considerable length and importance to it somewhat later on, which is included as an appendix to the English translation of Speech and Phenomena, pp. 129-60 - page 7, 8
Note from asker:
Dziękuję bardzo :)
Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree mike23
1 hr
agree Frank Szmulowicz, Ph. D.
1 day 1 hr
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