Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Polish term or phrase:
odstąpić od rozliczenia nakładów
English translation:
waive accounting of expenses
Added to glossary by
Frank Szmulowicz, Ph. D.
Sep 27, 2016 17:37
8 yrs ago
5 viewers *
Polish term
odstąpić od rozliczenia nakładów
Polish to English
Law: Contract(s)
Strony odstępują od rozliczenia nakładów ... i tym samym Wydzierżawiający nie ma obowiązku zwrotu Dzierżawcy nakładów poczynionych na przedmiot dzierżawy
Proposed translations
3 +1 | waive accounting of expenses | Frank Szmulowicz, Ph. D. |
Change log
Nov 14, 2016 21:53: Frank Szmulowicz, Ph. D. Created KOG entry
Proposed translations
7 hrs
waive accounting of expenses
W prawie cywilnym szczególnym przypadkiem roszczeń są roszczenia o zwrot nakładów. Powstają one wówczas, gdy osoba dysponująca rzeczą, która nie jest jej własnością, przeznacza swoje własne środki na utrzymanie lub ulepszenie cudzej rzeczy. Rozwiązania ustawowe w tym zakresie znajdują odpowiednie zastosowanie do nakładów na nieruchomości, stanowiących jedną z dwóch kategorii rzeczy.
Note added at 8 hrs (2016-09-28 02:32:20 GMT)
Tutaj, expenses for maintenance and improvements.
Note added at 1 day2 hrs (2016-09-28 19:39:13 GMT)
As proposed kindly by my wise friend, Mr. mike23, waive accounting of outlays/waive outlay accounting.
Note added at 8 hrs (2016-09-28 02:32:20 GMT)
Tutaj, expenses for maintenance and improvements.
Note added at 1 day2 hrs (2016-09-28 19:39:13 GMT)
As proposed kindly by my wise friend, Mr. mike23, waive accounting of outlays/waive outlay accounting.
Peer comment(s):
agree |
: Yes. Perhaps 'outlays' might be a broader term here
18 hrs
This was one of the two choices I considered but, without the benefit of your wisdom, I opted for a less optimal term. With your indulgence, let me place this option in front of the Asker.
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Roszczenie o zwrot nakładów,10223,19388,roszczenie-o-zwr...
Art. 226. Outlays.
§ 1. An owner-like possessor acting in good faith may demand that the necessary outlays be reimbursed insofar as they are not covered by the benefits which he gained from the thing. He may demand that other outlays be reimbursed insofar as they increase the value of the thing at the time it is handed over to the owner. If, however, the outlays were made after the owner-like possessor acting in good faith learned that a court action had been brought against him to hand-over the thing, he may demand that only the necessary outlays be reimbursed.
§ 2. An owner-like possessor acting in bad faith may demand that only the necessary outlays be reimbursed and only insofar as the owner would have become unjustly enriched at his expense.