Apr 14, 2005 17:06
19 yrs ago
Norwegian term


Norwegian to English Social Sciences Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc. child welfare
Denne typen intervju "hjelper informantene til å være til stede i sitt hverdagsliv mens samtalen pågår[og] legger til rette for at informantene kan fortelle om sine erfaringer på en slik måte ar begrunnelsene for hvorfor de handle som de gjør kommer frem"; sitat fra essay om miljøarbeideres ansvar og omsorg på vegne av barnevernet hos vanskeligstilte familier. Forskningsmetode i sosiologi, sosialt arbeid og velferdsfag.

Proposed translations

1 hr

lifestyle interview

Antagelig mer av en ordrett ooversettelse enn et uttrykk som har i seg alle de undertonene du nevner - men det har vel egentlig ikke kildebegrepet heller....

Note added at 16 hrs 13 mins (2005-04-15 09:20:08 GMT) Post-grading

There\'s an interesting lesson in Google use here - search for \'lifestyle interview\' vs. \'culture interview, and you get 3.3M vs 15M hits. Add quotes (\"lifestyle interview\" vs. \"culture interview\") and the picture changes dramatically - to 5480 vs 785 hits.
Peer comment(s):

agree Richard Lawson : I had never seen the Norwegian translation of this term, but judging from the 34 hits on Google, it certainly seems to be what is used.
2 hrs
agree Christine Andersen
12 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
10 hrs

culture interview

There may be vague differences between the concepts of a way of life (livsform) and a life style (livsstil).

life·style also life-style or life style is a way of life or style of living that reflects the attitudes and values of a person or group: ?It was a millionaire's lifestyle on the pocketbook of a hairdresser?.

However a way of life is a common term which describes the lifestyle of an entire culture, cf. «Landbruket som livsform»

Would you say: Islam as a way of life or Islam as a life style...?

Now to capture "way of life" in a one word - you would probably say culture

Nordsted's also defines livsform as way of life
Peer comment(s):

neutral Per Bergvall : Let's not lose sight of the undisputed fact that the term originated in English, and we're just tracing the translated term back to its origins.
5 hrs
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