Aug 15, 2022 15:56
2 yrs ago
31 viewers *
Italian term
manovre di ponzamento
Italian to English
Medical (general)
Questo termine appare nel referto di un'ecografia muscolotendinea, associata alla manovra di Valsalva ma non sono riuscita a trovare nulla di specifico per la traduzione di "manovre di ponzamento"
Proposed translations
4 | Valsalva manouevre | Cillie Swart |
Proposed translations
16 hrs
Valsalva manouevre
Previous proz question
Peer comment(s):
neutral |
Luigi Argentino
: Hi Cillie, in my opinion it is right to reward the effort and the time taken to find a suitable answer. I'm asking where is your effort and I can't find an answer (with a big effort)
2 hrs
Thank you for the feedback! Greatly appreciated...
If you can't use Valsalva, you could say "while straining" or "bearing down".
It might be useful to see the actual sentence from the report