Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by Amy Christie
Dec 11, 2006 11:28
18 yrs ago
12 viewers *
Italian term


Italian to English Law/Patents Law (general) Italian police

I am struggling to find what C.A.A. stands for in this conext:

Ass. XXX(name) in forza presso il C.A.A. di Moena (TN) e l'Appuntato Sc. Sciatore deo Carabinieri XXX(Name) in forza alla Stazione CC. di Caldonazzo.

I am also have problems with stazione CC., but am still researching this... any help would also be much appreciated, otherwise I will post question if my search is in vain!

Thank you in advance.
Proposed translations (English)
3 +2 Corpo d'Armata Alpino
5 comando arma alpini


Amy Christie (asker) Dec 11, 2006:
Thanks for the update Sylvia, this centro does sound familiar - I think I came across it in another translation. I will look in my files.
silvia b (X) Dec 11, 2006:
Amy provided a translation for my first, probably wrong, explanation - this probably refers to Centro di Addestramento Alpino di Moena, and I would leave it in Italian with an explanation in brackets (see links below for a description of the Centro).
Amy Christie (asker) Dec 11, 2006:
Sylvia, That reference for abbreviations is fantastic - just what I have been looking for. Thank you. Thanks also to Amy Williams for a sound translation.
Amy Christie (asker) Dec 11, 2006:
Just wondered what it stood for but the help so far has been very useful! Thanks.
momo savino Dec 11, 2006:
Did you only want to know what it was or did you want the translation of it? I am a bit tired today maybe I need some sleep :$

Proposed translations

5 mins

Corpo d'Armata Alpino

CAA Corpo d'Armata Alpino

Stazione CC - Carabinieri

Note added at 8 mins (2006-12-11 11:37:18 GMT)

qui c'e' una lista di abbreviazioni, dove trovi anche che "sc." vuol dire "scelto" (forse lo sapevi gia') - Appuntato scelto
CC - Carabinieri
C.A.A. - Corpo d'Armata Alpino militari.htm

Note added at 11 mins (2006-12-11 11:39:54 GMT)

e qui c'e' la storia, per capire meglio di cosa si tratta:

Note added at 29 mins (2006-12-11 11:57:45 GMT)

mi auto-correggo, dopo aver controllato, a Moena c'e' un CENTRO DI ADDESTRAMENTO ALPINO:

Istituita nel 1948 in San Candido (Bolzano) e successivamente trasferita a Moena (Trento) nel 1952, la Scuola Alpina del Corpo delle Guardie di Pubblica Sicurezza venne rinominata, nel 1975, "Centro Addestramento Alpino del Corpo delle Guardie di Pubblica Sicurezza " presso la Caserma "Giuseppe Moschitz". La struttura, intitolata all'omonimo atleta del Gruppo Sportivo "Fiamme Oro" drammaticamente scomparso durante una gara di discesa, è stata inaugurata il 17 luglio 1967.

vedi anche:
Peer comment(s):

agree Nicola (Mr.) Nobili
56 mins
grazie, Nicola :)
agree awilliams : yes - I think you're right about the "centro". The "corpo" explanation might come in handy for someone else in the future.
2 hrs
thanks, Amy, and apologies for my first misleading answer!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you all for your help, this is just what I was looking for. Merry Christmas!"
20 mins

comando arma alpini

it could be this but i'm not sure, but "CC" stands for "Comando Carabinieri", and on this i'm sure 100%.
Peer comment(s):

neutral momo savino : CC stands for Carabinieri. I am "highest sure". I work for the Police Forces in Italy.
6 hrs
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