Apr 20, 2016 14:04
8 yrs ago
7 viewers *
Italian term


Italian to English Law/Patents Government / Politics
L’appalto pre-commerciale per servizi di ricerca e sviluppo non viene espressamente disciplinato dalla normativa degli appalti pubblici europea, né tantomeno da quella nazionale, che costituisce comunque il precipitato delle Direttive sovranazionali.

this is my translation:
Pre-commercial procurement for services of research and development is not expressly disciplined by the legislation on European public procurements, nor by national legislation, which constitutes the precipitate of supranational Directives.

however I am not sure whether the translation of "precipitato" to precipitate is correct or not as I can't find mention of it in this context

Proposed translations

40 mins


I don't think the chemicla metaphor of a precipitate works in English, partly because it is too obscure. Why not use the"product", the result of two factors rather than mixing two chemicals, which in this case is the original supranatural (EU) legislation and how it was transposed into national law.
Peer comment(s):

agree philgoddard : Good idea. I think "partly the product" would be better.
56 mins
Really need to know what the author is trying to say. First he says that the matter is not addressed by European or national legislation and then says one is the result of the other, which is what my teachers' would have called "woolly thinking"
agree Fiona Law : very good!
17 hrs
Thank you :-)
agree bluenoric : no "woolly thinking", maybe just a tad redundant... EU Directives do not regulate it, and nor do national laws, since they are derived from the EU Directives // The *comunque* does the trick.../ Il "che" (la quale) si riferisce alla normativa nazionale
20 hrs
Your interpretation adds the word "since" which makes things very clear. The Italian does not say "visto che". / Lascia comunque il dubbio che il "che" referisce a "appalto pre-commerciale" e non a "appalti pubblici europee"/ Sì, eliminati i dubbi!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
21 hrs

which derives directly from

... nor by national legislation, which (since it) derives/is derived directly from supranational/EU Directives.

Another option

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