Jun 15 22:53
1 mo ago
26 viewers *
Italian term


Italian to English Bus/Financial Finance (general)
r) per il delitto di aggiotaggio, previsto dall'art.
2637 del c.c. e per il delitto di omessa comunicazione del conflitto d'interessi previsto dall'art. 2629 bis del c.c., la sanzione pecuniaria da duecento a cinquecento quote;

There is a long list of offences all of which result in fines of "quote". Quote of what'



To Sakshi Just one example
Stocks - (also called equities) - portions or shares of ownership in a company.
Here the word "portion" is used to explain a term. It is not the term itself. The term is "stocks". Once upon a time and sometimes today stock was a percentage of the ownership capital and shares were new fangled things, but today stocks and shares are usually considered the same thing.
Sakshi Garg Jun 17:
@James "portions" have been used in the multiple references in the Finance domain. Examples-


https://www.icsi.edu/media/webmodules/Financial and Strategi...

Ofcourse, //"portion"// have different meaning in different topics but yes, it is used appropriately in the financial contexts.
To Sakshi Hi Sakshi. I have looked at the link you have posted. Whoever wrote that page called them "portions" If it was translated, it is not a good translation in my opinion. A native English speaker would probably be confused. I would just call the quotas, or units. Portions are for restaurants, quotas are for economics and finance.
Sakshi Garg Jun 17:
@James Yes, the statement is true. The term //"quote"// in the context of the Italian Legislative Decree No. 231/2001 (Decreto Legislativo 231/2001) refers to units or portions used to calculate fines and penalties for corporate liability, not shares or stocks.

I have already provided the reference link in my answer. I'm sharing this again, it says-
Shareholders' Rights & Shareholder Activism 2023, Last Updated September 26, 2023

These interests are called //"quote (portions)"// and are not represented by a written instrument....
Hi paul this is modello 231. Corporate liability "responsablità amministrativo" a long list of crimes they must have tried to prevent to avoid liabilty and the fines for them measured in quota units calculated on the basis of a firms size, as I already said. Try googling Brocardi and the 231 decree. This is nothing whatsoever to do with the shares and stocks. By the way did ya see Jude?
Paul O'Brien (asker) Jun 17:
@ James Good one mate.
Inter-Tra Jun 17:
read art 2637 L'amministratore o il componente del consiglio di gestione di una societa' con titoli quotati in mercati regolamentati italiani o di altro Stato dell'Unione europea o diffusi tra il pubblico in misura rilevante ai sensi dell'articolo 116 del testo unico di cui al decreto legislativo 24 febbraio 1998, n. 58, e successive modificazioni, ovvero di un soggetto sottoposto a vigilanza ai sensi del testo unico di cui al decreto legislativo 1° settembre 1993, n. 385, del citato testo unico di cui al decreto legislativo n. 58 del 1998, del decreto legislativo 7 settembre 2005, n. 209 o del decreto legislativo 21 aprile 1993, n. 124, che viola gli obblighi previsti dall'articolo 2391, primo comma, e' punito con la reclusione da uno a tre anni, se dalla violazione siano derivati danni alla societa' o a terzi.
Sakshi Garg Jun 17:
quota also partnership contribution or a share.... https://www.proz.com/kudoz/italian-to-english/finance-genera...
To Paul Sole proprietor, srl's don't have shares. They have quotas or stock.
Inter-Tra Jun 17:
Articles of ITA civil code https://www.misterlex.it/codice-civile/2632/
It might be helpful to read from Art. 2629bis to 2637.
Paul O'Brien (asker) Jun 16:
It's an S.r.l., sole shareholder.
To Bluenoric Very many Spa's are not listed, most of them probably.
bluenoric Jun 16:
@James I wrote shares/units as in "units of the share capital", ie the *quote* (I am aware that an srl is not a listed company).
Anyway, the OT comes from https://www.brocardi.it/responsabilita-amministrativa-person... and here you can find additional information https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decreto_legislativo_8_giugno_2...
As the law refers to all kind of legal entities, the *quote* can be any kind of assets the company owns.
To Paul I am going by memory, but I don't have time to search and investigate this right now. In Italian finance law, I have found that the law often specifies how to measure fines in terms of percentages of various factors such as turnover or assets of the company and these percentages are referred to as quotas. So use Google and search the Italian civil code, or other Italian laws. I think you would probably be okay just translating with "quotas" and putting it in inverted commas, or quotes if you like :-). You might want to put "percentage quotas" initially, just to make it clear that these quotas are percentages of something.
To Blue noric A "share" or "azione" under Italian law British law and US law and finance the first two and equal unit of the ownership capital of the company. In British law a limited liability company issues shares. An Italian law and SRL, a limited liability company, does not and cannot issue shares. It issues capital and owners (members) of the company purchase a percentage of that ownership capital referred to as a "quota" so you have quotas and quota holders.
Wolfgang Hager Jun 16:
dagsboeter Fines for serious crimes in Sweden are defined by law as x multiples of daily earnings = "quote". Does this fit the context?
bluenoric Jun 16:
Is it referred to an s.r.l. Company? If yes, it refers to the shares/units the accused person owns.

Proposed translations

1 day 12 hrs


Shareholders' Rights & Shareholder Activism 2023, Last Updated September 26, 2023

These interests are called //"quote (portions)"// and are not represented by a written instrument....
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
2 days 10 hrs
Italian term (edited): quota/e

(fixed-rate day / daily) unit fine

Wolfgang H's Discussion Entry equating such 'quotas' with dagsboeter rang bells with me.

The UK Criminal Justice Act of 1991 tried introducing daily unit fines based on earnings, but the scheme collapsed within a year.

Company shares and 'portion-debts' in inheritance terms - e.g. a parent promising gifts to children cf. quota legittima and apt to be overlooked on ProZ - seem incongruous:

la sanzione pecuniaria da duecento a cinquecento quote : the financial penalty of two hundred to five hundred daily fining units. (Penalty is routinely civil and fine criminal, but not set in stone).

Quota: amount, contribution, Garzanti
Example sentence:

en day-fine unit fine it pena pecuniaria sostitutiva (?)

Pecuniary sanctions range from a minimum of 400 to a maximum of 500 quotas, with a possible increase of one third in the event of a significant profit obtained by the entity as a result of the commission of tax fraud.

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3 days 15 hrs

penalty unit

In the past I've used 'penalty unit' - borrowed from Australian law (see definition)

Note added at 3 days 15 hrs (2024-06-19 14:44:37 GMT)

In Australian law, a penalty unit (abbreviated as PU) is an amount of money used to compute pecuniary penalties for many breaches of statute law. Fines are calculated by multiplying the value of one penalty unit by the number of penalty units prescribed for the offence. [Wikipedia]
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