May 19, 2003 22:26
21 yrs ago
Irish term

cead mile failte

Non-PRO Irish to English Art/Literary
it means "one hundred thousand welcomes" in celtic
i would like to pronounce it correctly

Proposed translations

25 mins

just one of them: "kadd-meel-a fall-cha"

Peer comment(s):

neutral Edith Kelly : We Irish are damned sure who to pronounce it, see below.
7 hrs
I'm very sorry, but I didn't mean to offend anyone with my comment!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
7 hrs

kaid-meela-fawlta / Irish Republic Gaelic

the *a* at the ends very short ones.
mee like in sea
fawlt like in fawlty towers, you know on TV

Note added at 2003-05-20 06:09:37 (GMT)

To izy: should read > *how* to pronounce it.
Peer comment(s):

agree Cilian O'Tuama : kaid to rhyme with Eng. raid; alternative 'fault-sha '
3 hrs
go raibh mile maith agat.
agree CathyFS : Yip, am Irish too and would say fault-sha as well.
3 hrs
Thanks, I'm always having difficulties with English transliterations.
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