This question was closed without grading. Reason: No acceptable answer
Jun 11, 2006 09:45
18 yrs ago
German term

abfiedeln und zufönen

German to English Art/Literary Marketing Teenage slang
The context is as follows: Von A wie "abfiedeln" (ekstatisch tanzen) bis Z wie "zufoehnen" (jemanden in Grund und Boden quasseln), die Jugend hat ihre eigene Sprache und ihren eigenen Lebensstil.

Ich suche nun aequivalente (und abgefahrene) Ausdruecke mit A und Z im Englischen, um diesen Satz zu uebertragen. Hat jemand vielleicht eine Idee?
Proposed translations (English)
4 zufoehnen: talk your ears off, talk you into the ground, talk a blue streak
Change log

Jun 11, 2006 18:33: Marcus Malabad changed "Term asked" from "abfiedeln und zufoenen" to "abfiedeln und zufönen"


Francis Lee (X) Jun 12, 2006:
What's the context/readership? Why does it have to be equivalent expressions?
Jutta Frense (asker) Jun 11, 2006:
thank you - that looks promising
HarryHedgehog Jun 11, 2006: - take your pick

Proposed translations

7 hrs
German term (edited): abfiedeln und zufoenen

zufoehnen: talk your ears off, talk you into the ground, talk a blue streak

sorry only a suggestion for the second word; the first one is a bit harder. I don't know whether this is "slangy" enough...

Note added at 3 days3 hrs (2006-06-14 13:42:19 GMT)

o.k. sorry I was on the wrong track here. Maybe I'm too old for this teen talk..
Note from asker:
Thank you, Ingeborg. But what I was after were two English teenage slang words starting with A and Z, i.e. they do not have to be translations of the German words, they just need to be teenage slang words in their own right
This means, it would be something like: "From A for "aggro" to Z for "zilch", young people have their own language and their own life style." But I'm looking for better (and more outlandish) words than 'aggro' and 'zilch'
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