Jan 27, 2017 14:45
7 yrs ago
2 viewers *
German term


German to English Law/Patents Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
This appears on a driving license extract in the "STATUS" column. Other statuses mentioned are ERTEILT, DRUCK and VERZICHT.
Proposed translations (English)
3 Entzugsbehörde
Change log

Jan 27, 2017 14:59: Steffen Walter changed "Field" from "Other" to "Law/Patents"

Jan 27, 2017 15:49: Cilian O'Tuama changed "Level" from "Non-PRO" to "PRO"

Votes to reclassify question as PRO/non-PRO:

PRO (3): Steffen Walter, BrigitteHilgner, Cilian O'Tuama

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BrigitteHilgner Jan 27, 2017:
Entfernt? Maybe the following source helps:
Pete Smith (asker) Jan 27, 2017:
Thanks for the effort anyway. I think it could be entziehen-behindert but it's a guess.
philgoddard Jan 27, 2017:
Still can't find it. It's unusual for a document as important as this not to explain what the abbreviations mean. Could it mean the licence has been entzogen because they're behindert?
Pete Smith (asker) Jan 27, 2017:
philgoddard Jan 27, 2017:
ENT could be entnommen, and BEH could be Behörde or behindert.
What is the extract called in German? That might help us to find the answer.
Pete Smith (asker) Jan 27, 2017:
It's not an actual driving license. It's an extract of a driving license or licensing register.
AllegroTrans Jan 27, 2017:
Asker German driving licences (asfaik) comply with the EU sandard format. Have you looked at the EN version?

Proposed translations

5 hrs


Behörde die einen Führerschein entzogen hat

Entzugsbehörde --> suspension/revocation authority

Note added at   5 godz. (2017-01-27 20:37:35 GMT)

+ https://www.fuehrerausweisentzug.ch/entzugsdauer
+ https://www.tcs.ch/de/produkte/rechtsschutz/der-tcs-experte/...
+ https://dmv.ny.gov/org/tickets/suspensions-and-revocations

Note added at 1 dzień  6 godz. (2017-01-28 21:06:04 GMT)

Sollte der Strich zwischen den beiden Abkürzungen kein Bindestrich (ein Wort) sonder ein Trennungsstrich (zwei Worte) sein, dann ist die Abkürzung ENT-BEH zu verstehen als entzogen - Behörde, was dem Stil der Spalte "STATUS" entspricht.

Note added at 1 dzień  6 godz. (2017-01-28 21:10:35 GMT)

Folgen der Nachbesserubg:
suspended/revoked - Authority
Example sentence:

Entzug des Führerausweises: Die früher der Polizei eingeräumte Befugnis, bei Missachtung der Auflagen über das Sehvermögen gleich auch den Führerausweis abzunehmen, ist jedoch aufgehoben worden. Über einen allfälligen Entzug des Führerausweises u

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
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