Glossary entry (derived from question below)
German term or phrase:
English translation:
German term
"Der Veranstalter verpflichtet sich einen **spielfertigen** Veranstaltungsort zur Verfügung zu stellen."
I presume this means a suitable venue, ready to be played, but don't know if there's a usual English expression for it. Many thanks!
3 +3 | performance-ready | Jim Tucker (X) |
4 +3 | suitably prepared/equipped | David Williams |
4 +1 | suitable | mary austria |
4 | suitable | David Kosviner |
4 | professionally set up // readied for professional performance | Elisa Ryznar (X) |
3 | provide a venue ready to be played.... | Erich Friese |
Non-PRO (2): writeaway, Harald Moelzer (medical-translator)
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Proposed translations
I can't think of many other ways to do this.
Note added at 47 mins (2009-04-27 10:12:37 GMT)
Suitable in connection with Veranstaltungsort does not necessarily imply "spielfertig," but suitable in connection with "concert venue" certainly implies that the purpose is to hold a concert, i.e. make music.
agree |
Steffen Walter
: Yes, a(n) appropriate/suitable concert venue (presumably a venue where all required equipment is already in place).
14 mins
Thanks, Steffen!
neutral |
: suitable does not necessarily imply that artists can readily perform or execute at the venue
17 mins
Please see my note
disagree |
David Williams
: Agree with Steffen in terms of the additional thing he presumes would need to be stated, since suitable on its own is insufficient.
44 mins
If you agree with Steffen, why are you disagreeing?
agree |
Kathryn O'Donoghue
: I also agree
56 mins
Thanks, Kathryn!
neutral |
Erik Freitag
: I don't think this is enough: "Spielfertig" means: all necessary equipment in place and working, including seating, music stands etc.
1 hr
suitably prepared/equipped
agree |
Erik Freitag
23 mins
agree |
Alison MacG
: perhaps "technically prepared"?
27 mins
agree |
Steve Poynter
4 hrs
professionally set up // readied for professional performance
BRUNSSUM, Netherlands -- A trio of trios led to an awesome performance by Sugarland ... production crew and ready the venue for a professional performance. ...
a professionally set up venue OR a venue which is readied for professional performance
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