Glossary entry

German term or phrase:


English translation:

Past history of..

Added to glossary by aykon
Jun 29, 2021 11:02
3 yrs ago
39 viewers *
German term


German to English Medical Medical: Health Care
Sie sprachen von möglicher Herzerkrankung oder einer vorgeschichtlichen Herzerkrankung, die man vielleicht mit DNA finden könnte?
Proposed translations (English)
4 +10 Past history of..
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Non-PRO (1): Edith Kelly

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uyuni Jun 30, 2021:
(past) history "History" umfasst sowohl die aktuelle (!) Anamnese ('recent history'), als auch die längere/frühere Anamnese/Erkrankungen in der (ferneren) Vergangenheit ('past history', "Vorgeschichte"). Beispiel:

'This patient presented with a three-day history of haemoptysis.'

'Diagnosis of *past history* of myocardial infarction in epidemiological studies:...

'Patients with a past history of lung cancer were excluded from this trial.'

Thus I agree with Renee's answer.

Zumindest kann ich mir nicht vorstellen, dass es hier um "Paläomedizin" geht..., oder etwa doch? Dann Klarstellung und Ergänzung des Kontexts durch aykon unbedingt erforderlich....

Proposed translations

3 mins

Past history of..

Past history of heart disease in this context
Peer comment(s):

agree Dr. Johanna Schmitt : or just "history of..."
1 min
agree Susanne Schiewe
7 mins
agree Ramey Rieger (X) : Yes, the rest is just history :-)
8 mins
neutral Eric Zink : Isn't "past history" redundant?
43 mins
Not really, since we as physicians elicit both a past history and history of present illness
agree Barbara Schmidt, M.A. (X) : 'past' is obsolete. It's 'medical history of...'
58 mins
agree José Patrício : anamnesis Vorgeschichte f einer Krankheit -
1 hr
agree liz askew : Well, when I was a medical secretary, the doctors always used "Past History"
2 hrs
agree Ana Krämer : agree with Johanna
4 hrs
agree Edith Kelly
5 hrs
agree David Hollywood : "past history"
16 hrs
agree uyuni : Please see discussion entry
18 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Danke"

Reference comments

1 hr

Vorgeschichte: Gesamtheit der historischen Ereignisse vor Beginn der schriftlichen Überlieferung -
A história natural da doença refere-se a uma descrição da progressão ininterrupta de uma doença em um indivíduo desde o momento da exposição aos agentes causais até a recuperação ou a morte. -ória_natural_da_doença
Aula 2 | História natural da doença -
Peer comments on this reference comment:

neutral uyuni : Hat, so glaube ich, mit dem Thema/Kontext der Frage (Anamnese) wenig zu tun... Das wäre doch eher "prähistorisch"...
18 hrs
Yes, I agree, but the conotation, idea enlargment, evolve: my opinion!
Something went wrong...
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