Glossary entry

German term or phrase:


English translation:

VAT ID no.

Added to glossary by Ilka Nahmmacher
Jul 2, 2005 07:24
19 yrs ago
6 viewers *
German term


German to English Bus/Financial Law: Taxation & Customs
Diese Nummer muss in einem Anmeldeformular angegeben werden. Der Leser sitzt in den USA. Die Übersetzung für UK ist "VAT Reg. No." Weiß jemand, wie das in den USA heißt, oder ob es etwas vergleichbares gibt? Vielleicht kann man diese Angabe im Formular ganz weglassen?
Change log

Jan 4, 2011 18:40: Steffen Walter changed "Field (specific)" from "Accounting" to "Law: Taxation & Customs"

Discussion Jul 3, 2005:
Thanks for all your input. Here is some info on how the VAT applies to different customers (

Customers from outside Europe: Prices in US$ or Euro, without VAT
Customers from European Community countries, without VAT ID No.: Prices in EURO add. 16 % VAT
Customers from European Community countries, with VAT ID No.: Prices in EURO, VAT excl.
Customers from non-European Community countries in Europe: Prices in EURO, VAT excl.
Customers from Germany: Prices in EURO add. 16 % VAT

I conclude that the VAT is irrelevant for US customers. Judging from this, it may indeed be possible to leave out the VAT on a form for the US only. In any case, the note "if applicable" or similar should be added. This the customer will have to decide and I will add a little translator's note.
Trudy Peters Jul 2, 2005:
Weglassen kann man das auf keinen Fall!
Trudy Peters Jul 2, 2005:
I think VAT is sales tax in the US Jul 2, 2005:
Lydia: I was under the impression the US doesn't have a VAT. Perhaps it goes by a different name?

Proposed translations

2 hrs

EU VAT ID (if applicable)

Since this may be used in order to decide where the sale is declared for VAT within the EU, it must be made clear to the user that an American tax ID is probably not wanted. The facts and purpose of the translation should/must be clarified with the customer.
Peer comment(s):

agree RobinB : This is translation after all, not localisation!
9 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "All of your input has been valuable. This is the response that directly addresses my question regarding the US and contains a recommendation on how to proceed with my customer. Thank you."
5 mins

turnover tax ID number

Umsatzsteuer=turnover tax (US) according to Dietl/Lorenz

Note added at 6 mins (2005-07-02 07:31:24 GMT)

\"turnover ID tax\" gets nearly 800 googles

Note added at 7 mins (2005-07-02 07:32:06 GMT)

sorry, should read \"turnover tax ID\"

Note added at 32 mins (2005-07-02 07:57:34 GMT)

in Germany I charge my customers 16% Mehrwertsteuer for my services, however, when I pass this amount on to the tax authorities it is then considered Umsatzsteuer
Peer comment(s):

agree mustafaer : or sales tax identification number
17 mins
isn't that Mehrwertsteuer??
neutral vptrans : in the UK and some other places, in the EU it s simply VAT.. in the US turnover tax is value added tax
4 hrs
the asker wants it for the US, so what is the point of your comment?
neutral RobinB : Eberhard's comment is perfectly correct. You can't translate USt/MWSt as "turnover tax" simply because the translation is destined for the US. USt/MWSt is VAT, always, if it's referring to tax levied in Germany and/or the EU.
11 hrs
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32 mins


is what I have on my letterhead

Note added at 43 mins (2005-07-02 08:08:02 GMT)

Also see:
Peer comment(s):

neutral mustafaer : I believe USt is Umsatzsteuer but VAT is MSt. and I am not sure but as far as I remember, they are calculated differently and paid at different times.
6 mins
agree vptrans : definitely, or VAT ID Number
4 hrs
neutral Jonathan MacKerron : but not for the US, which is what the asker wants
6 hrs
agree silfilla : yes, without hyphens ;-)
7 hrs
agree RobinB : But without hyphens, please! The fact that the customer is in the US is irrelevant - we're talking about German/EU tax here. Mustafa: MWSt *is* the common name for USt, no difference in calculation or payment.
10 hrs
agree Maria Ferstl
5 days
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7 hrs

not for points (those -> Lydia IMO): info & links

You can't just omit this sort of information. Nor can you use sales tax because Umsatzsteuer is not a sales tax. Here's a definition in English of the taxes and the process which is very close to the German one:

Input tax
Definition (UK specific)
When a company that is registered for value added tax (VAT), buys goods or services from another supplier, VAT is charged and is currently 17.5% of the purchase cost. This is known as input tax.
Similarly, when the company sells its own goods or services it charges its customers VAT at the same rate. This is output tax.
Once a quarter, the company has to complete a VAT return, giving details of its input tax and output tax. The difference between output tax and input tax is payable to Customs and Excise. If input tax is greater than output tax the company can claim back money from Customs and Excise.

Also see these discussions of the problem of translating *Umsatzsteuer*:

Note added at 7 hrs 47 mins (2005-07-02 15:12:11 GMT)

Please do add [German] to whatever translation you decide to use. Very important!
Peer comment(s):

agree RobinB : Absolutely!! After all, you wouldn't call the PCAOB the "Prüfstelle für Rechnungslegung" in German, would you, nor would you translate BaFin as SEC, just because they're the nearest equivalents.
3 hrs
oh, I'm sure some people do because they misunderstand the concept of translating culturally ;-)
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8 hrs

Tax ID number

or (Federal) Tax Identification number (for the US)

The government form you're feverishly filling out has a blank demanding your business's "Federal Tax ID Number" or "Employer Identification Number (EIN). - 32k -
Peer comment(s):

disagree silfilla : sorry, Trudy, but that's not it. That would be the "Steuernummer" in German ... two different things entirely!
5 hrs
Thanks, point taken. Interesting discussion here!
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