May 13, 2009 12:25
15 yrs ago
German term

baute es auf

German to English Social Sciences History tourist brochure
An die Pr�senz des mittelalterlichen Deutschordens in Erfurt erinnert der Comthurhof. Der Ritter-orden erwarb das Gel�nde Ende des 12. Jahrhunderts und baute es auf. 1573 wurde der Comthurhof im Stil der Renaissance auf gotischer Basis errichtet. Bemerkenswert sind die profilierten Fens-ter und das Rundbogenportal. Hofseitig befindet sich ein achteckiger Treppenturm. Durch die romantische Kirchgasse kann man den Klosterbezirk des Augustinerklosters �stlich umgehen.
Change log

May 13, 2009 15:21: Kim Metzger changed "Field" from "Other" to "Social Sciences" , "Field (specific)" from "Tourism & Travel" to "History"

Proposed translations

10 mins

started construction on it

I think that you cannot simply say "built it" since you do not "build an area/territory...
Peer comment(s):

agree Colin Rowe : or simply "built on it".
21 mins
Thanks, Colin
agree Kim Metzger
1 hr
Thanks, Kim!
agree Steffen Walter : built on it / "baute es auf" in the sense of "bebaute es".
1 hr
Thanks, Steffen!
agree RegineMac : with Colin and Steffen: built on it
1 hr
Thanks, RegineMac
neutral ArnoTranslat (X) : Started construction on it to build the Compthurhof 300 years later?
2 hrs
exactly; just as in "baute es auf" (300 Jahre spaeter )
agree franglish
2 hrs
Thanks, franglish!
neutral Rosa Paredes : with Arno
9 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thanks"
3 mins

built it

and built it.

Peer comment(s):

agree Elke Fehling : yes, very easy
1 min
disagree Colin Rowe : "baute ES (das Gelände) auf" - you cannot build a "Gelände"
22 mins
disagree Lirka : my point exactly, Colin!
1 hr
disagree Armorel Young : not in this context
2 hrs
Something went wrong...
11 mins

and prepared it for forthcoming construction works (or activities)

though centuries had to pass before the building was erected.
Peer comment(s):

agree Susanne Schiewe
2 mins
thank you !
neutral Colin Rowe : The current building was not built until 1573, but this was an "Erneuerungsbau" - there were buildings on the site before then (see Reference) // because what the Ritterorden did after acquiring the site had nothing to do with the building put up severa
23 mins
thank you ! but if there have been buildings prior to that erected in the 16th century, my suggestion is correct and I fail to see why you find fault with it.
agree Harald Moelzer (medical-translator)
25 mins
thank you, Harald !
neutral Lirka : with Colin
1 hr
Something went wrong...
1 hr

developed it

That is the common term to describe building construction activities.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Lirka : they could have developed the territory into something else--e.g. a field for organic farming
5 mins
But they didn't, as we learned. They developed it to build the Compturhof.
agree Helga Lemiere : right, it's ok for both: agriculture or buildings, and we distinguish the difference with the context.I agree with Arno
1 hr
Thanks Helga!
agree Lancashireman
5 hrs
Thanks Andrew!
agree Rosa Paredes
8 hrs
Gracias Rosa!
neutral Colin Rowe : "developed" sounds rather modern perhaps...
16 hrs
...and so does the Ur text.
Something went wrong...

Reference comments

31 mins


Der Comthurhof zu Erfurt

Seine Geschichte geht auf das Jahr 1189 zurück.
Er gehörte damals dem Kloster Reinhardsbrunn.

ging er durch Schenkung an den Deutschen Ritterorden über. Er wurde Sitz eines Comthurs - Leiter eines
Verwaltungsbezirkes des Geistlichen Ordens. Über 500 Jahre diente er den Ordensrittern als
Wirtschaftshof und begründete damit seinen noch heute bekannten Namen.

Erneuerungsbau und Treppenturmanbau. Die Wappen über dem Torbogen erinnern daran. Es sind die Wappen des damaligen Hofmeisters Wolfgang Schutzbar - Mitte -, des Landcomthurs von Rehen - links und des Comthurs von Erfurt Franz von Hatzfeld - rechts -.

It says here: 1573 "Erneuerungsbau".
In other words, there were already buildings on the site before 1573, but the current building dates from then.
It therefore follows that the Ritterorden did actually build on the site, rather than just preparing it for construction work centuries later.
Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree Johanna Timm, PhD : great source --and exemplary use of the reference field!!
5 hrs
Many thanks!
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