Aug 26, 2014 19:29
10 yrs ago
6 viewers *
German term

sowie (here)

German to English Law/Patents General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
"Sowie geht es in dem Verfahren X also gerade nicht lediglich um die Beseitigung eines Vermerkes über die Zugewinnschaft".

The sentence before explains how the claimant is contradicting herself by claiming on one hand to be the sole owner of the property in dispute whilst on the other hand claiming that only a note on the community of accrued gains needs to be deleted for her to gain complete ownership".

Does "sowie" here mean "hence"?
Proposed translations (English)
3 +3 consequently/thus
4 +2 and / in addition
Change log

Aug 26, 2014 23:39: writeaway changed "Field (specific)" from "Law (general)" to "General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters"


Björn Vrooman Aug 27, 2014:
@Anne Yes, I didn't say that couldn't be the case. I simply see at least a fifty-fifty chance here, depending on what the source is, although it wouldn't make much of a difference, I believe.

I think it depends on how the rest of the text is written (style) and none of us knows that. Personally, I don't like Füllworte in legal texts.
Anne Schulz Aug 27, 2014:
Hmm, jaa, ... ich hätte jetzt "also" ja eigentlich eher als eines der Füllworte betrachtet, die im Deutschen so beliebt sind (und "somit" nicht unbedingt als redundante Doppelung)
Björn Vrooman Aug 27, 2014:
@Anne und Brigitte @Brigitte Since we're in a forum here, I could offer you the "Du", if you like.

@both Don't take my heading so seriously; just please consider:

The sentence

"Somit geht es in dem Verfahren X gerade nicht lediglich um die Beseitigung eines Vermerkes über die Zugewinnschaft."

makes perfect sense without an "also". Also = folglich = somit -> doubling of words.

Also consider: The original text may have been in French. Mauritius is kind of like Canada in this regard.

In addition: First, the two contrasting statements are described and then it says "Es geht also gerade nicht um..." That also makes perfect sense without a "somit".

Which leads me to conclude it should be: thus for "also" and as has just been explained for "sowie", Otherwise, what are you going to do with the "also" if you write "thus" first? That just sounds a bit colloquial to me. Just my two cents.

An "and/in addition", however, doesn't make any sense to me here.
Anne Schulz Aug 27, 2014:
...und noch einen Schreibfehler dazu, denn dann müsste "So wie" dastehen.
BrigitteHilgner Aug 27, 2014:
@ Björn Starke Sollte Ihre Interpretation korrekt sein, handelt es sich nicht um einen Schreibfehler, sondern eine Auslassung von Worten: "Sowie eben bemerkt/festgestellt ...". Natürlich ist das eine Möglichkeit - aber ich halte die Interpretation, dass das Wort "somit" gemeint ist, für wahrscheinlicher.
Björn Vrooman Aug 27, 2014:
Wonder... so many people can agree on something while ignoring another word in the sentence: "also".

The most suitable rephrasing in my opinion would be:

Wie soeben beschrieben, geht es in dem Verfahren also gerade nicht lediglich um die Beseitigung eines Vermerkes über die Zugewinnschaft.
Anne Schulz Aug 27, 2014:
Agree with Cilian: "Somit" intended ("Sowie" is inappropriate, whatever the preceeding sentence may be.)
Ramey Rieger (X) Aug 27, 2014:
Good morning Mariana your 'hence' is just fine. therefore, ergo, consequently,'s summing up of the situation.
BrigitteHilgner Aug 27, 2014:
I agree with Cilian therefore
Mariana Rohlig Sa (asker) Aug 26, 2014:
This is the sentence before "Die Antragstellerin widerspricht sich in ihrem Verhalten, wenn sie einerseits vorträgt, alleinige
Eigentümerin der streitumfangenen Grundstücke zu sein, dies so dem Grundbuch auf Mauritius
entsprechen würde und lediglich ein Vermerk hinsichtlich der Zugewinngemeinschaft zu beseitigen
ist, sie andererseits aber mit Klage in [other country] beantragt, dass sie alleinige Eigentümerin der
Grundstücke sein soll."
David Hollywood Aug 26, 2014:
and agree with Cilian
David Hollywood Aug 26, 2014:
Cilian O'Tuama Aug 26, 2014:
Somit? It'd be helpful if you showed the actual context rather than explaining it.
David Hollywood Aug 26, 2014:
and also agrre that the syntax is wobbly
David Hollywood Aug 26, 2014:
I agree with Alexander that "sowie" normally means "in addition" or "and" but I have an inklling that it might be "consequently" in this case

Proposed translations

5 mins


I would say in this context

Note added at 7 mins (2014-08-26 19:37:10 GMT)

it's not simply/merely a question of etc.

Note added at 45 mins (2014-08-26 20:14:47 GMT)

Having read your additional context I'm pretty sure "sowie" means "consequently" and agree with Cilian that it would have been better phrased as "somit"
Peer comment(s):

agree Ramey Rieger (X) : hence, therefore, absolutely!
11 hrs
thanks Ramey :)
agree Steffen Walter
11 hrs
danke Steffen :)
agree Anne Schulz
20 hrs
danke Anne :)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Vielen Dank für die vielen Beiträge"
11 mins

and / in addition

That is the usual translation of this word. The German syntax is actually quite bad!

"Sowie geht es in dem Verfahren ..." would have better been worded as "Und außerdem geht es in dem Verfahren ..." --> In addition, this process not only ...
Peer comment(s):

agree Johanna Timm, PhD : or: moreover.., furthermore.... (1)
1 hr
Thanks Johanna.
agree Horst Huber (X) : Something like, "and, anyway, ..."
19 hrs
Thanks Horst
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