Feb 15, 2009 10:45
15 yrs ago
German term


German to English Bus/Financial Finance (general) financial advisors versus banks
Zudem operieren diese Unternehmen (d.h. independent financial advisors) bilanzunabhängig und haben daher keine Refinanzierungsbedarf wie beispielsweise Banken
Change log

Feb 16, 2009 22:07: Marcus Malabad changed "Removed from KOG" from "bilanzunabhängig > don't operate based on the ups and downs of the economy by <a href="/profile/0"></a>" to "Reason: undefined"


Andrea Hauer Feb 15, 2009:
Kunde ist König - wenn er das so gut findet, dann ist ja alles okay :-)
Nach meinem Dafürhalten ist diese Übersetzung dennoch falsch.
Paul Cohen Feb 15, 2009:
... I'd suggest that you check this with the client and if there is any doubt in your mind, please re-open the question via a support ticket (I assume this is possible). That way people like Ted (see below) would have an opportunity to contribute. Thanks.
Paul Cohen Feb 15, 2009:
Hi, echristie. While I'm always glad to be of help, you did close this question rather rapidly, thereby depriving many experts around the world of responding. Now that some of my esteemed colleagues have raised serious doubts about my answer,

Proposed translations

45 mins

don't operate based on the ups and downs of the economy

Unlike lending institutions (banks), independent financial advisors don't operate based on the ups and downs of the economy. In other words, even during times of economic crisis, their own businesses flourish and their services are in high demand. Ah, the lucky translator who works for an independent financial advisor!

Note added at 4 hrs (2009-02-15 15:28:10 GMT) Post-grading

... based on economic fluctuations.
Note from asker:
I appreciate everyone's efforts and your impression that i closed it quickly. I got the text at 9am today, discussed final version with client at 12 and it was presented to its audience in New York this afternoon. Client was very happy with my rendition of your suggestion - and they do know what they are talking about.
Peer comment(s):

agree Dr Lofthouse : yes, but would use 'swings in the economy' instead of 'ups and downs'
3 hrs
or 'economic fluctuations'
disagree Ted Wozniak : bilanzabhängig for banks means they have "minimum capital requirements"
5 hrs
Thanks, you learn something new every day, Ted. In other words, independent financial advisors have NO min. capital requirements!? Perhaps you can have the question re-opened to make an official entry.
disagree Andrea Hauer : das verstehe ich hier auch völlig anders, nämlich so, wie Ted es sagt - das Englische sagt etwas völlig anderes aus als das Deutsche hier.
8 hrs
Ich habe es verstanden im Sinne von "Bilanz=Ergebnis", d.h., die Tätigkeit der Firma läuft unabhängig von der all. finanz. Lage der Branche, und deshalb ist eine Refinanzierung nicht nötig. Aber Ihr seid die Finanzexperten hier! Siehe mein Kommentar oben.
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thanks, that certainly explains it. am going to ask client how they want ti conveyed because it need to be concise. "
33 mins

outside (of) the balance sheet

But hard to be sure without more context. What kind of document are your translating? See possible helpful links below.
Example sentence:

These adjustments, which are effectively made outside the balance sheet as such, refer to either the capitalization of assets / accrual of assets, or the evaluation of assets / liabilities.

Note from asker:
Something went wrong...
1 hr

on a net income basis with no asset funding requirements

conveys the meaning of own financial independence
Note from asker:
Something went wrong...
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