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Jun 4, 2010 12:40
14 yrs ago
44 viewers *
German term


German to English Other Education / Pedagogy
I have 3 certificates: a Zeugnis ueber den qualifizierenden Hauptschulabschluss, a Zeugnis ueber den erfolgreichen Hauptschulabschluss and a Zeugnis ueber den mittleren Schulabschluss. The client wants the last of the three to be translated as high school diploma. I opted to translate the first two as high school certificate, but is there any difference between the certificates based on the words 'qualifizierend' and 'erfolgreich'?
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Alison Shamrock (X) Jun 5, 2010:
The qualifizierender Hauptschulabschluß is a voluntary exam in some German states and improves the chances of students at a Hauptschule of getting into full-time vocational school or finding an apprenticeship place.
The erfolgreicher Hauptschulabschluß means simply that you have passed year 9 in a Hauptschule.
Depending on the state you live in, you will leave the Hauptschule after 9 or 10 years.
And the closest you could get with Hauptschulabschluß is 'qualification from a secondary modern school' (which used to exist in the Uk), which does not allow you to go to university.

British Diana Jun 5, 2010:
Federal states I agree with Jeanne that depending on the courses taken the U.S. high school diploma can be anything from highly academic to, well, undemanding. This fact makes the "translation" of any terms in either direction so tricky. In Germany the federal state system makes it even more complicated, because in the 16 Federal States the levels of knowledge and competence required to achieve a certain like-sounding qualification (such as Hauptschulabschluss) may vary considerably.
Jeanne Wirkner Jun 4, 2010:
Michael, I really don't think a German "Abi" is much more than a high school diploma - depends on what subjects you took during your last 4 years of HS :-) My own diploma would have entitled me to attend university here in Germany, too.
British Diana Jun 4, 2010:
@Michael Michael, didn't you read what the others have said? Hauptschule is for the bottom 30% of the year group. Some of these get their Abschluss and some get a Qualifizierender Abschluss on top. But these are nowhere near the equivalent of a High School Diploma and this in turn is not the same as a Hochschulreife!
Michael Wetzel Jun 4, 2010:
High School Diploma und Abitur The translation into German is also interesting. An Abitur is certainly much more than a high school diploma and a Realshulabschluß is, as Jeanne said, not enough to enroll at a university. I think the proper form is probably: "High School Diploma (amerikanische Hochschulreife)". Any thoughts?
British Diana Jun 4, 2010:
dangerous to attempt grade conversion yourself Erfolgreicher Hauptschulabschluss (in Bavaria, that's all I know about) means that the pupil has passed /successfully finished the last year (Year 9) of compulsory schooling in the Hauptschule, the academically least demanding type of school patronised by about 30-40% of the cohort.
Qualifizierender Hauptschulabschluss is an additional qualification for the same clientele, which the pupils in their last year at school can opt to try for,necessitating taking exams in several subjects. Not all try or pass these exams, so the "Quali" is "worth" more than the "einfacher" Abschluss. However, they are both not at all comparible with the American High School diploma and I certainly would not even attempt to compare these terms with those of a different system. I think there are institutions and websites devoted to this sort of grade conversion.
Jeanne Wirkner Jun 4, 2010:
In Andrew's link someone equivalated an American high school diploma with "Realschule" - that is NOT true. My diploma entitled me to go on to college/university, which is not the case with a Realschule-Abschluß.
Ulrike Lechner Jun 4, 2010:

Leave the German terms and explain them in a footnote, i.e. translate a.m. explanations.
For "Hauptschule", see also
gangels (X) Jun 4, 2010:
Jeanne is right, of course You start out with pre-school (kindergarten), then elementary school, grade school, and high school. I guess 'Qualifizierend' means that his grades were good enough not to have been 'held over' (sitzengeblieben ist) and 'erfolgreich' would be a 'passing grade' in this case.
stephkg (X) (asker) Jun 4, 2010:
If you ignore the 'high school' bit, is there any difference between 'qualifizierend' and 'erfolgreich'?
Jeanne Wirkner Jun 4, 2010:
You cannot translate "Hauptschulabschluß" as being equivalent to an American high school diploma. We attend school for 12 years. If you do not successfully complete the 12 years, you're a "high school drop out." Our system is not at all comparable to the German "dreigliedrige."
Nicole Schnell Jun 4, 2010:
@ Andrew: Exactly. That's the correct way, but not highschool, which is most certainly not "OK for the U.S.A.". :-)
Lancashireman Jun 4, 2010:
Americans discussing this topic amongst themselves
Nicole Schnell Jun 4, 2010:
Hauptschule = Highschool? Sorry, no way. :-)
stephkg (X) (asker) Jun 4, 2010:
The client wants it for America
Lancashireman Jun 4, 2010:
Target readership? 'High school' may be OK for the U.S.A. but does not work for England & Wales. Not sure about North Britain, though.

Proposed translations

2007 days
German term (edited): qualifizierter Hauptschulabschluss

Certificate of Qualified Lower Secondary School Completion

Group A: Documents That Meet High School Graduation Requirements are:
a. Zeugnis der allgemeinen Hochschulreife (Abitur) Certificate of General University Maturity (referred to as Abitur)
b. Zeugnis der Fachhochschulreife Certificate of Technical College Maturity
c. Zeugnis der fachgebundene Hochschulreife (Certificate of Subject-Restricted Maturity for Higher Education)
d. Abschlusszeugnis der Berufsfachschule (Certificate of Completion of Vocational Technical School)
e. Abschlusszeugnis der Berufsschule (Certificate of Completion of Vocational School)
f. Abschlusszeugnis der Fachschule (Certificate of Completion of Technical School - Student can extend high school graduation by enrolling at the first available opportunity after completion of the Abschlusszeugnis der Berufsschule.)
g. Zeugnis der Fachoberschulreife* Technical Upper School Maturity *A Zeugnis der Fachoberschulreife with the indication of advancement to Fachhochshule including this statement: “Er hat die Fachhochschulreife erworben” is comparable to US high school graduation (only issued for programs with completion at 12th grade or later). h. Zeugnis über die Staatliche Prüfug from a paraprofessional medical school Certificate of the State Examination i. Urkunde from a paraprofessional medical school Certification for a Paraprofessional Medical Title - Including Krankenpflegeschule (nursing school), Schule für technische Assistenten in der Medizin (school for medical technical assistants), Schule für Physiotherapeuten (school for physical therapists), etc.

Group B: Documents That Do NOT Meet High School Graduation Requirements are:

- Hauptschulabschlusszeugnis (Main School Completion Certificate)
- Realschlulabschlusszeugnis (Middle School Completion Certificate)
- Mittlere Reifezeugnis (Middle Maturity Certificate)
- Abschlusszeugnis der Mittelschule (Completion Certificate from a Middle School)
- Zeugnis der Fachoberschulreife* Technical Upper School Maturity *A Zeugnis der Fachoberschulreife without the indication of advancement to Fachhochshule or that doesn’t include this statement: “Er hat die Fachhochschulreife erworben” is not comparable to US high school graduation. Programs with completion at 10th grade are not comparable to U.S. high school graduation.
- Zeugnis des qualificierenden Hauptschulabschlüsses (Certificate of Qualified Lower Secondary School Completion)
- Zeugnis des Hauptschulabschlusses (Certificate of Lower Secondary School Completion)
- Zeugnis der erweiterten Hauptschulabschlusses (Certificate of Extended Vocational Education Maturity)
- Zeugnis des erweiterten Berufsbildungsreife (Certificate of Extended Hauptschule Completion)
- Zeugnis der Berufsschule Berufsvorbereitungsjahr (BVJ) Certificate of Vocational School Preparation Year
- Zeugnis der Berufsschule Berufsgrundildungsjahr (BGJ) Certificate of Basic Education Year
Berufsreife (Vocational Maturity Certificate)
- Berufsbildungsreife (Vocational Education Maturity Certificate)
- Zeugnis des Mittleren Bildungsabschlüsses (Certificate of Completion of Middle Education)
- Zeugnis de qualificierten Sekundarabschlüsses (Certificate of Completion of Qualified Lower Secondary School)
- Zeugnis über den Wirtschaftsschulabschlüss (Certificate of Completion of Commercial School)
- Abschlusszeugnis der Berufsaufbauschule (Certificate of Completion of Vocational Extension School)
- Zeugnis über den qualifizierten beruflichen Bildungsabschluss (Certificate of Qualified Professional Education)
- Abgangszeugnis for any qualification (Leaving Certificate for Those Who Fail the Final Examination)

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